The Former Leader

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The next morning he awoke when the sun rose. He found himself and Ryoko in the same position they were when they fell asleep. He usually got up at 5:30, but he didn't get out of bed. He didn't want to wake the girl who had her arms around him.

Kenshin looked at her the best he could and saw that the color had returned to her face. He smiled and then thought of the situation. He had a beautiful, half naked girl in his bed with him. He smiled some more and wished he had a camera, no one would believe him. Not that he'd tell them anyway though. He laid in bed for an hour before she woke up. When she did Kenshin pictured her with a halo. She pushed herself up using his stomach and he grunted. She withdrew her hand and her head dipped when there was nothing bracing her. Her face came close to Kenshin's. He jumped out of the bed and turned his back to her. She sat up and looked around. She remembered last night and shuddered. She looked at Kenshin who still had his back turned to her. She gave a little cough and he turned towards her. Ryoko smiled when she saw his face. His amber eyes were no longer cold, but filled with concern.

"Thank you Kenshin."

"No problem... don't you have school today?" Ryoko's smile faded and she remembered she would have to see Rei. She nodded and got out of the bed.

Kenshin turned his head as she got up. She was still only wearing underwear and the tank top. She turned around to see his head turned and she smiled again. She crawled across the bed and kissed the cheek that was turned to her. When she had withdrawn enough Kenshin looked at her surprised. He gave a small smile and she went to the door.

"Are you ok now?" He asked.

"Yes... thanks again." Ryoko opened the door to see Katsuya. She jumped back and yelped. Katsuya entered the room and looked between Kenshin and Ryoko. Zeke's ears perked and he woke when he heard the yelp. He immediately began to growl and Katsuya stood behind Ryoko.

"So... what's going on here?" Katsuya teased.

"Nothing Katsuya... you wouldn't understand." Kenshin rolled his eyes.

"Wouldn't understand that the neighbors are getting a little friendly... or really friendly..." Ryoko wanted to wipe the smirk off his face, but she kept her cool.

Katsuya checked Ryoko out and nodded when he saw her in her underwear. He placed his hand on her shoulder and Ryoko freaked out. He quickly withdrew his hand and stepped back when he heard her scream. Ryoko backed into Kenshin and almost started crying. Zeke ran to Katsuya. Kenshin grabbed his collar and pushed him back. The dog watched Katsuya and growled. The red headed assassin comforted Ryoko once again through her apologies.

The black haired assassin stood in the doorway and watched in shock. The Batousai was calming a crying teenager. Katsuya shook his head and sat on Kenshin's couch followed by Suichi and Mirogi. Kenshin left with Zeke in one hand and Ryoko in the other. The other guys also watched in amazement. Kenshin walked Ryoko to her apartment. He opened her door for her and then walked back to his apartment.

Ryoko walked in to see Cain, Lee, Yoshi, and Aki sitting in her living room. It took all of her strength to hold Zeke back. Not only was she still weak from the night before, but Zeke was tired of all the people. She dragged him into her room. Cain, Lee, and Yoshi's heads turned at the sight. Aki kept his head straightforward. He didn't want to disrespect the girl. The three watching her had their jaws on the floor. When she returned she was fully clothed. The men got over themselves and coughed... a lot.

"Where were you?" Cain asked.

"Why do you care?"

"Oh... feisty this morning I see..." He chuckled.

"What do you want?"

"We came to warn you... and make sure you were all right."


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