Three - Ashton

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Dedicated to Cadabatha_Reed because she's been bugging me for days to update. cx

Three- Ashton

We were all sitting in the living room, a blush tattooed on my cheeks as I was stared down by Luke and his mum. Mikey and I were in trouble for kissing - but, before anyone gets angry, Luke didn't tell on us. His mum happened to walk in on us right after he did. She noticed the swollen lips and the out-of-breath state we were in, instantly knowing what we were up to.

So, here we were, sitting on the couch while I threw myself a pity party. I had no idea what was going to happen to us now. We had just recently gotten adopted yesterday. She could call the agency and say we aren't "fit" to live with her and her sons. Sure, that'd be brutal, but people who are overly nice usually are.

In my last foster home, the foster mum and dad acted nice. They were the ideal imagine of a perfect couple. They were vibrant and confident, but once you got used to the niceness, they changed. Night after night, they'd come in and beat me with a belt for no reason. I had to wear long sleeved sweaters and dark jeans to cover up the bruises and slash marks.

Sure, it was child abuse, but I didn't tell anyone. There was nothing to tell. I mostly caused it on myself; if I hadn't of gotten so comfortable, none of it would have happened.

The foster dad was the nicest, though. He would beat me, too, but after it all, he'd stay behind and help me bandage it all up. His wife didn't know he was helping me, so she didn't think anything about leaving him alone. All she thought was that he was going to give me another lesson. And with the muffled cries and whimpers from the rubbing alcohol, it sure sounded like it.

I had never known why he was always nice to me. Maybe it was because he had a heart, but it wasn't full. Maybe it was because he was scared to stand up to his wife. But, maybe it was because he was hurt himself as a kid, but felt bad hurting others. That was what my supervisor said: "Sometimes, people who hurt others were either hurt themselves or are now being hurt."

I pitied him when I finally got out of that damned place. Three years of pure torture, I had finally gotten out but he didn't. He was stuck until his wife drew her last breath. I, however, was out once they thought my skin was "damaged" enough and wasn't "useful". They told the agency I had been acting crazy, suicidal even. They sent me to a therapist, got me checked. That's how I ended up knowing I had severe insomnia.

"Okay, I'm not giving you guys' up," She started, running a hand through her short blonde hair. Michael and I let out a sigh of relief. "But, it is violation to be dating your foster brother, however I won't tell anyone. I think if you love someone--"

"Woah, woah, woah," I cut in, standing up and stopping the foster mom with my hand. "Mikey and I aren't in love. H-He likes Cal, not me... besides, we've tried dating each other and it didn't really work out."

Luke snorted and scoffed, "So that's why you guys had your tongues down each others throat?"

I turned towards him and scowled. The boy made my anger rise sky high every time he opened his mouth. Sure, he was attractive, but his personality ruined it all. "We didn't use tongue, for one. And for two, who cares if we did? What are you, five?"

"Yeah, five seconds from punching you in your fucking face," He sneered, taking two big steps towards me.

His mum instantly interfered, pushing him away with the flick of her wrist. She looked annoyed, but mostly, she looked as if she wanted to back hand him so hard in the face, all of his teeth knocked down his throat. "Luke, back off of him. He's right; you two aren't dating, so cut the jealousy crap out and just leave the two alone. They've been through more shit than you could ever imagine."

Luke rolled his eyes, but backed away, "Whatever, Mum. I'll be upstairs if you need help with anything."

The lady nodded her head as her son made his way upstairs, his steps heavy and dragged. Once he was out of view, the woman turned to us and smiled. "I'm sorry, boys. If you two wanna be together, go for it. I won't tell anyone. But, you will need to keep it on the down low in front of any cops or social workers. I don't want you two taken away."

"We don't want to leave, Mum," Michael said, causing the woman to smile widely. He smiled back, clearly knowing calling her that would have made the situation better and more comfortable. 

I hated how he took advantage of the woman's feelings. I could practically feel the hatred towards her radiating off of him. However, he kept a smile glued to his face, his eyes shining with fake happiness.

"It's so great to hear that come from you, Michael. Maybe Ashton will soon call me it as well?" She turned to me, her eyes twinkling.

I smiled at her as she turned around and left, her words sinking into me. I didn't wanna be with Mikey. He was my best friend and the last time we did, it was so awkward. I didn't know what to say, how to dress. It was like the being together completely shattered everything we ever had. I didn't wanna go back to that. I couldn't go back to that.

"Ashy?" The brown haired boy whispered. I stiffened my body a little, not wanting to turn around, yet he still continued to speak. "I... I like you more than a friend... but I know how awkward it is whenever we dated each other, so I won't pressure you into anything. Just know if you ever need someone to make out with, I'm your guy, cause you're a pretty awesome kisser."

Heya. Short chapter and kinda sucky, but im not feeling the best however I wanted to give you guys something. hehe. cx anywhoorree, ill update soon <3 byeee.

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