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When me and Elijah walk toward the cafeteria I heard some gossip on our way, probably of what happen earlier. I can see some guys looking at me with envy, jalousy and anger, of course is was the nobles. the girls was the opposite...they was looked at me with heart eyes...but I just ignored that.

My mind was focus on something else.

The new uniform I had received from Director Cynthia did not seem very different from my scholarly mage uniform. It consisted of a white shirt with a single black stripe in the middle of the arm, above the elbow, a light gray vest and dark gray pants. The vest was made of a different material from that of the pants, however, and there were special engravings inside each of them that made me think that they had protective qualities. Instead of my pocket watch on the chest pocket, there was a strap that passed over my chest and wrapped around my shoulder, with my silver knife wrapped over my heart. A golden rope around my collar replaced the red rope, giving my outfit a more royal look.

I looked down and let out a sigh. The uniform was black, I suppose it the same for my other companions?

When we entered, the hall became silent and I could feel the looks of the students who were studying us. Ignoring the looks and the few curious looks, we went to the line and got our food. Did the discussion of me and Tessia made everyone curious???

"It looks like you're already popular Art~" Elijah smiled as he took a piece of roasted meat with his fork.

In a pocket of the new uniform, Director Cynthia had left a note with some instructions, and I started reading them while we were eating.

"Ah! Don't forget, we have the club rush tomorrow morning! "Says Elijah, his mouth full of meat.

I sighed at this reminder. "Oh, yes. I have to go to the auditorium early enough tomorrow. It is written here that the discipline committee is officially announced before the start of the club rush."

"This means that you will meet the rest of the discipline committee. How exciting! Wake me up before you leave, then. "

"I will. I stole a piece of roasted meat for myself, but Sylvie stole it before it reached my mouth."

During the meal, we were both aware that people were talking about us and looking in our direction from time to time. However, none of them had come to us.....until now.

A group of students in combat mage uniform approached our table, completely ignoring my existence. The leader of the group, a tall boy with wavy brown hair separated in the middle, reached out to Elijah.

"Hello! My name is Charles Ravenpor II, from the famous Ravenpor family. I'm sure you've heard about us, haven't you? I couldn't help but notice that you spend time with that peasant. I am particularly courteous today in offering you to be part of our group. His chin came out, confident that Elijah would take his hand.

"It's an honor to be part of the Ravenpor group," echoed one of the groupies at the back.

"The Ravenpoop family? Never heard of a family named after bird droppings. And you, Art? Elijah gave me an exaggeratedly distraught look, which made me laugh through my nose.

Some of the neighboring students who were listening to our conversation began to laugh.

"V-You... How dare you make fun of a prestigious family like the Ravenpor House?" Charles punched our table, highlighting his name, which made them laugh even more.

"I am a second-year student who should be respected! I reached out to you, a beginner, because I didn't want a combat mage student to lower himself to frequent waste of scholarly students, but instead, do you spit in my face like that?" His hand was already tightening to reach the wand attached to his right leg.

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