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Amaya walked into her new suite. This was the place she was going to spend the rest of the year, maybe the next four years.

When she entered, she thought she had been the first person to get there. That was soon proven incorrect as a girl walked out of her room and into the main living space. “Oh, hi,” The girl greets. “Which room are you staying in?”

Amaya stands still, not expecting the burst of energy that this girl radiates. “I- umm.”

“Oh, our names are on the doors.” She points to the door she came out of. “Oh, and I'm Erin.”


“Oh, your room is right over here.” She leads her over to a door with two post-it notes on it. “Amaya Winchester.” She taps one of the post-it notes.


After about a week of living in the dorm, everyone in the suite had come to bring their things. Amaya met all the girls she was going to be living with and school was just about to start.

“What classes do you have?” Amayas roommate, Adelaide, asked her.

“They're like all the earliest classes the teachers do.” Amaya falls back on her bed.

“That sucks.” Adelaide crosses her legs. “I have quite a few early classes but they're tolerable.”

“I mean,” Amaya sits back up. “You're also a morning person.”

“If you didn't stay up so late at night, you might find it easier to wake up in the morning.”

“You sound like my mom.”

Amaya was already starting to like college. She kind of liked having to live in a dorm. Even Though she had trouble talking to people, living in such a small area with this group of girls, seeing them everyday, it was easy to quickly grow comfortable with them and start up a conversation.

Amaya was already growing close to some of the girls and couldn't wait to get on the ice and meet the figure skating team. One of the reasons she loves to figure skate is because of how close her high school team was. They were like a small little family. Even if her brother was also at school, she was excited to have two more families while she was away at college; her dorm family and her skating family.

Her nerves were bellowing up, into her chest as she was about to audition for the team. She took a deep breath, shaking out her hands as the previous girl walked by her.

The main coach stepped into the hallway after a few seconds, “Amaya Winchester.” She calls out and walks back into the rink after Amaya.

There are three people behind the glass other than the main coach; the co-coach, the coach's sister, and the hockey coach.

Amaya stepped onto the ice and took a deep breath. The other reason Amaya loved figure skating was how emotionally freeing it was. Amaya has always found it hard to speak to people and express herself, however when she was out on the ice whatever force was pushing down on her shoulders and tightening around her throat, it all lifted away and Amaya would become almost a completely different person, however, when all the eyes were on her and any mess up she does could effect if she makes the team, the force surrounds her more than ever.

She's about to step onto the ice when a clash and laughter fill the air. She turns her head towards the sound and finds two boys hitting a hockey puck around with their sticks.

“Hey boys,” The hockey boys yell out to them. “Off the ice!”

“Come on coach,” The taller boy turns around. “We're practicing.”

“Well, figure skaters are having auditions.” The hockey coach crosses his arms. “You told you guys this on Wednesday.”

“It's just figure skating-”

“Cole! Off the ice, or Monday I'm making you do twenty push-ups before practice.”

“Sorry coach.” The boy turns to his friend and they exit off the ice.

“Sorry about that.” The coach lays his hands on the table. “I love my boys but they can be a bit arrogant sometimes.”

Amaya sends a smile to the table and steps onto the ice.

“Whenever you're ready go ahead and do some forward crossovers.”


A week later Amaya got an email. She opened it up and found out she had made the figure skating team.

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