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This is Amaya
You were on my list from the pre-valentines party

Oh, Amaya Winchester?
You were on my list too

Yep, that's me
My brother said that you were the best candidate on the list

Well I guess that's a good sign for me then

It took a bit of convincing for him to choose anyone on the list

Well, I'm still flattered that I was his top choice

Well, I just wanted to pop in and say hi

Leaving so soon?

It's already pretty late and I have rehearsal tomorrow


I'm Veronica in the figure skating show

Oh, you figure skate?
I'm pretty well versed with the I've myself

My brother said we could bond over that

Well, I don't want to keep you up too late
Good night

Good night


“Are you guys ready to learn some of your stuff for ‘Beautiful’?” The coach asked the team.

Everyone replied with a ‘yes’ and the team got onto the ice. Everyone waited on the side, leaning against the wall, waiting for their instructions.

“Alright, Amaya,” The coach called her name and she moved forward. “I want you to come out, right here.” She points to the entrance of the ice rink. “After the bells sound, you come out singing.” Amaya nods her head in understanding. “Ensamble, you're all going to be split up into each penalty box. You're going to flow out of them as the bell sounds.”

The coach continues to explain what she wants for the song. Since the beginning of the song was mostly Veronica standing still and singing, there wasn't much until the Heather's came out. “The Heather's are going to be in the penalty box on the other side of the entrance. Ensemble is going to make a tunnel for them as they file out.”

Even more instructions are given to everyone. By the end of practice everyone knows where they go for every part of ‘Beautiful’.


The next day Amaya was sitting under her favorite tree to read. It cast the perfect amount of shade. It was the perfect distance from the people, creating the perfect level of noise. Even the bark of the tree was perfect, almost as if it had been molded specifically for her back.

Amaya was having a calm moment, with her head in her book. She didn't even notice the round object fly past her.

“What are you reading?” Asked the person who came to pick up the object.

Amaya finishes the paragraph she was on and looks up. The man standing in front of her had brown hair that swooped back, out of his face. He must have been at least six feet tall as Amaya felt as if she had shrunk under him.

“Your book.” He asked again.

Amaya lifted up her book so he could see the title. ‘Kingdom of the Wicked’. Amaya lowered the book down and continued reading.

“Hey man, bring the puck back!” His friend yells.

“I'm coming!” He turns back to face Amaya. “Sorry about the puck.” He walked away, heading towards his friend.

After her little distraction she decided it was a good idea to check the time. She pulled out her phone and turned it on to see the time. “Crap!” Amaya threw her receipt in her book as a bookmark, and shoved the book in her bag. She stood up, throwing the bag over her shoulder and ran in the direction of her class.

Her class started in 3 minutes and it usually took her a 5 minute walk from where she was currently standing.

As Amaya was running, she didn't notice the curd dividing the grassy area from the parking lot. She stepped right on the edge of the curb, forward onto the asphalt. She pushed herself up and saw someone's shoes in front of her.

“Are you okay?” She looked up to see the same guy he ran by her tree. He had a worried expression on his face as he looked down at her.

“Mmm hmm.” She nodded and stood back up. She brushed off the small pieces of rock from her palms and patted her clothes, getting off any dirt or dust.

“Are you sure?”

She gave him a thumbs up and broke back into a run towards her class.


When Amaya sat into her seat she stretched and shook out her hand. When she had fallen, she was able to catch her fall. However, her left hand had broken the fall of most of her body weight.

‘Your hand okay?’ Amaya saw the note lying in front of her.


‘Didn't get into a fight, did you?’ The boy chuckled to himself as he slid her the note.

‘No. Just fell’ She was about to pass him the note when she stopped herself and looked at him. He felt her gaze on him, turning his head as their eyes met. “What's your name?” She had a smile on her face as she huffed a small laugh.

He matched her laugh, smiling back. “Matt.”

“Amaya.” She told him.


Sorry this took so long. I was having trouble figuring out what I wanted to write.

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