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So about the date


Would like to go tonight?
I can pick you up in a couple hours

Where are we going
Because I'm going to have to start getting ready this second

Just to some restaurant down the street
It's not really that fancy so you can just like, throw on a t-shirt and jeans

You sure?


I'll get ready now

Amaya slipped on her shoes as soon as she got the test that he was right outside the building. She went down the stairs and walked out the building searching for someone she had just realized she has never seen the face of.

“Amaya?” Someone called out and she turned to the sound. She recognized him as the guy who walked by her tree. “I'm Wyatt.”

She sent him a smile and walked over to him. She was about to speak to him but the words wouldn't come out. She just stood frozen in place until he said something.

“You can get in.” He gestured to the car and she sat in the passenger seat.

The car ride to the restaurant was filled with an awkward silence. The radio was turned off and Wyatt hadn't said a word, neither did Amaya. She just sat in the seat next to him, picking at her fingernails.

When they got to the restaurant, Wyatt was rounding the car to Amayas side. She had opened the door before he reached it.

“A gentleman always opens the door.” He told her as she stepped out.

Amaya stood in front of him as she closed the door. “It's not…” Amaya was flipping through her thoughts, trying to figure out what she was going to say. “We-” Amaya felt her chest tighten up as she forced out her words. “This isn't a date.” She immediately regretted the way she said it. She didn't mean to come out as harsh, she just wanted to clear any confusion that could have been present. But because it had been so hard to say, she had to push it out of her mouth, it came out way harsher than she meant it.

“Well, it's just us.” The boy told her. “A boy and a girl about to walk into a restaurant. Just the two of them.” He gestured to the front doors. “We're going to eat some food and get to know each other. That sounds like a date to me.”

Amaya felt her body grow heavy. There was so much she wanted to say, but unable to say any of it. She had to force herself to speak, feeling herself actively grow more socially tired as each syllable passed her lips. “I'm not looking for anything-”

Wyatt cut her off as he grabbed her hand. “Let's just go inside.” He dragged her through the doors. “We don't have to talk about this out here.”

When the two were sat down at a booth, their waiter came asking what drinks they wanted.

“Just a water.” Wyatt said.

“Dr. Pepper.” Amaya told him with a smile.

As soon as the waiter left their table, Wyatt started up a conversation.

“So, what's your major?”

“Art.” She was thankful that a quick, simple answer worked for the question. She was already just wanting to go back to her dorm and just sit in her bed by herself.

“Oh, how do you plan on making money?”

Amayas eyebrows furrowed. She didn't know how to answer his answer simply and quickly, decided to just repeat herself. “Art.”

“But like, if it doesn't work out?”

So many possible jokes passed through Amayas head. She chuckled to herself but quickly hid the smile. She decided to try and answer but Wyatt opened his mouth again.

“What's so funny?”

“Nothing.” She told him.

“You were just laughing.”

“It doesn't matter.” She turned her gaze down and took a drink of her soda that was just sat in front of her.

The two gave their orders, the topic being changed as the waiter walked away.


When Amaya got back to her dorm, she laid in bed and fell asleep. The “date” had been super exhausting. She had to force out every word, every syllable, every letter. It took away all of her social energy and she could barely stay awake long enough to watch a single episode of her show.

She didn't know what time she fell asleep, or how long she was asleep, but when she woke up and she looked out her window, it was either dawn or dusk. She didn't know.

Looking to her side, Amaya saw Adelaide asleep in her bed. She looked over to her bedside table at her clock, reading ‘5:25 am’.

Amaya huffed, getting out of her bed. She had obviously slept the whole night, waking up before any of her suitemates. All the lights were off and there was not a single sound Amaya knew to be in the building.

She wanted to do something but didn't want to risk waking anyone up. She walked over to the whiteboard in the kitchen and wrote a note, ‘Went for a walk - Amaya’.

She switched her shorts out for some pants, threw on a coat and shoes, and walked out of the building. As soon as she stepped outside, she could feel the cold air. Luckily for Amaya though, it wasn't the kind of cold that whips at her face and makes her limbs go stiff. It was the kind of refreshing cold that Amaya loves. The kind that smells like snow.

Walking around the college campus, Amaya spotted three figures emerging from a car. When she got closer she immediately recognized them.

“Oh, Amaya.” Matt spotted her, his brothers turning to see the girl. “Hi.”

“Hi.” She sent them a small wave. “I think you're Chris,” She pointed to the brother she saw playing pool a few weeks ago. “And Nick?” She pointed to the remaining brother.

“Yeah,” Nick seemed pretty taken aback at the girl knowing their names. “Did Matt tell you our names?”

“No,” She answered. “I heard someone at the Pre-Valentines party say his name.” She pointed to Chris. “And your name was on my list.”

“Oh, Amaya Winchester.” He laughed.

“Yep.” She nodded.

“Yeah, our friend kinda dragged us to that party.” He chuckled.

“Same.” She smiled.

“He thinks we've all been single for too long.” Matt crossed his arms.

“Which is stupid.” Chris added.

“Yeah,” Amaya agreed. “If I wanted to find someone to date, there are so many better options.”

“So, I'm assuming you're not going to the Valentines party?” Matt asked.

“Not planning to anyways.” Amaya said to him. “I'm probably just going to hang out with my suitemates or just chill in bed.”

“We're not doing anything.” Nick told her. “If your friends have something going on you could just like hang out with us.”

“A girl like me with three strange men, alone?” Amaya teased.

“Strange?” Nick mocked offense, hand to his chest. “But yeah, I understand if that's not really…”

“I'll bring a chaperone.” Amaya then added, “If I end up taking you up on that offer.”

“Well, we just went to get some midnight snacks.” Nick pointed his thumb in the direction they came from. “See you around.” He waved as the brothers left.

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