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Nicki pov
*1 week later*
It's been a well since I've been in New York. The doctors say that Jelani is going better each day, but I just can't stand to see him like that so I haven't been to the hospital yet. I haven't talked to no one since I been here except Bey. That's my baby fr. I've been laying in bed all day ready to go home.

"Cookie, mommy want you to help her cook." My little sister Ming said as I groaned. "Fine tell her I'll be down in a minute." I said as she nodded & walked out. Even though I have my own house in Queens, I decided to be w my family this time due to the situation. It's been nice staying here, but I'm ready to go back to Houston. I miss Beyoncé not gonna even lie. Even tho we talk everyday, it's not the same as being able to see here every weekend.

Now that I know my brother is okay, I can go home peacefully without worrying about him. I'm actually supposed to leave tonight so I need to pack up my stuff. It's currently 4pm here & I've been laying in bed all day. I showered, took a nap, & watched tv.

I walked downstairs to see what my momma wanted me to help her cook. I honestly think she just wanted me to come out the room. Once I got to the kitchen, I saw my nosy ass auntie. "Hey auntie baby. I haven't seen you since you left Queens. Come give me a hug." She said as I mentally rolled my eyes. I faked smiled & hugged her. "Hey auntie." I simply said.

"So how's everything going with Nas?" She asked as I laughed a little. "Nas & I been separated for some years now. I don't even swing that way anymore." I said keeping it short. "Hm. Why is that?" She asked as I sighed. "Bc I feel like I can do better in a relationship w a female cause ima female & i feel as tho we can understand each other more." I said as she nodded. "So do you have a girlfriend?" She asked as I shook my head. "Not yet. We're just friends right now. But I do like her & she likes me too. We haven't talked about relationships yet tho. Maybe I need to bring it up when I touch back down in Houston later on tonight." I said as she frowned.

"I heard she bought your plane ticket." She blurted out as I nodded. Nosy bitch. "How'd you know?" I asked with my eyebrows raised. "I went through your phone while you were napping. Your password is really easy." She said as I got mad. "Why you going through my shit? I don't go through your shit so you shouldn't go through mines. Your so fucking nosy. I hope you found what you was looking for. Not shit." I snapped as my momma looked at me.

"Onika watch your language." My momma said as I shook my head. "No, she's wrong momma & you know this. Don't take up for her bc she's your sister. You & I both know she's nosy as fuck. That's the whole reason I left bc of nosy bitches like her. I'm just gonna go pack & Uber to the airport. I can't stay here any longer with bitches I can't even trust." I said going back upstairs. I don't care if I came off disrespectful or not, she shouldn't have went through my shit.

I packed & I called Bey. "Hello?" She said in a raspy voice as I smiled. "Hey BB. You must've been sleep?" I asked still a little annoyed. "No I just woke up from a nap. What's wrong tho mamas, you sound annoyed." She said as I giggled. "My nosy auntie just went through my fucking phone. Now she knows that you paid for my ticket & shit. Like I don't care ab them knowing, but like don't try to go through my phone while I'm sleep thinking you're gonna find something. But I just got done packing." I said. I heard her shuffling around in the back.

"My bad I was sitting up. I'm tired as fuck, I've been in the studio & checking emails all day. But when does your flight leave?" She said as I rolled my eyes. She didn't pick up earlier cause she was doing nothing honestly. "6 or 7pm. I honestly forgot. But my Uber should be out now bc it's currently 5 something right now. Time be flying up here, I could've sworn it was just like 4." I said as she laughed. "Well I can't wait to see you sexy. Call me whenever you make it to the airport stink." She said as I heard her yawn. I didn't wanna hang up but I know I had to. "Okay I will. I love you." I said. "I love you more, bye stink." She said as I hung up.

I feel a little better now that I've finally got a chance to talk to Bey. Once I was done with everything, I checked my room once again to make sure I didn't leave anything. Ain't no telling when ima be back. "You leaving sis?" I heard my younger brother Micaiah asked. "Yeah, I gotta get back to Houston. I'll be back soon tho. Idk how soon, but I'll come back to see you. I'm gonna send y'all some money also. Momma still got your phone?" I asked. "No she gave it back bc I was being good. & okay sis I love you." He said hugging me as I pouted.

This is the worst part of leaving. Knowing I have to leave my little siblings. "I love you way more. Be good for mommy okay? I don't wanna get no more calls from her sayin that you & Ming is being bad. If I get a call like that, I'm not gonna continue to buy you toys for your game & shit. Be good for her alright? I'll be checking. & keep them grades up in school. I wanna see every report card." I said as he nodded. "Okay sis. I will." He said as I called Ming into my room.

"Yesss Onika?" She said as I smiled & rolled my eyes. She wanna be me so bad. "I was telling Caiah how I wanted y'all to be good for mommy. Jelani is hurt right now & mommy is gonna need a lot of help around the house now. I don't wanna get no calls with you back talking , just do what she says & be good. I love you so much & I'll be back soon to see you guess. Help Jelani too, ima gonna call everyday to make sure y'all are okay. Okay now give me hugs before I leave." I said as they tackled me with hugs & kisses. "We love you big booty Nicki." I heard Ming say as I giggled. "Okay shut up & get off me now. I have to say bye to mommy." I said as they got off me.

Caiah carried my bag downstairs as Ming followed behind us. Ming is 13 & Caiah is 15. Meanwhile I'm 21 & Jelani is 24.

"Bye mommy. I love you & I'll see y'all soon. Call me if you need something, you know I don't mind you asking. I left a stack on your dresser. Make sure you hide it cause people love to go through things that AINT THERES." I said looking directly at my aunt. "Where you getting all this money from?" My aunt asked as I rolled my eyes. "My job. That I have to actually work for. Unlike you." I said as she scoffed. "Girl you still doing them lil raps. I thought that was just a little phase." She said as I just ignored her. My raps be lit as fuck so Idk what she got going. "Shut the fuck up talking to me. But anyways bye mommy, call me whenever Jelani is home & doing good. Tell him I couldn't stand to see him like that so that's why I couldn't come see him." I said as she nodded.

"Bye baby. I love you more. Be safe & call me whenever you land in Houston. I'll make sure yo I let you know whenever your brother is home. I'll tell him to call you instead cause I know you wanna hear from him. Have a save flight baby." My momma said as I nodded & hugged her. "Where my hug?" My aunt said as I just looked at her. "Girl fuck you." I said walking past her.

My Uber had just pulled up, so I left out the door & put my luggage in the trunk. "Nicki?" I heard as I looked up. "Nas?" I said in disbelief.

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