Chapter 2.

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There was just breathing on the other end of the line. No response just breathing, and it was heavy. I shrugged and hung up. I walked back to the classroom and sat down. Cairo looks at me with a smirk on her face. "Who was that? Your mommy?" She says, trying to annoy me. I just ignore her and keep on studying for the exam. Cairo looks over at my textbook and examines it from top to bottom. "What the hell are you studying for anyway?" She asks, seriously. I just sigh and hand her my notes. She reads over them and is almost impressed. "Wow, I am impressed with the work that you have done. Though it is kind of nerdy." She say, handing it back to me. I take it aggressively out of her hands and scowl. She grabs my hand and gives me a seductive smile. "Oh come on, baby. I know you got that fire in you, let it out." Cairo uses her other hand to caress my chin. My patience was running short, she was trying to get me in trouble. She was still mad at me for yelling at her. I try to contain my anger for the time being. Then Cairo did something that was way beyond my boundaries...she got out of her seat and sat on my lap. She put her hands under my shirt and place them on my chest. "Wow, you have pretty masculine body, baby. You should take off your shirt, it is getting hot in here." Cairo says, beginning to lift my shirt. I am shaking by now, but not of fear, but of rage. I am trying to contain the anger I have before I explode. I finally just gave up and pushed Cairo off of me and scowled at her. "THERE YOU GO AGAIN, LIKE ALWAYS!" I yell at her. Cairo tears up, but I know it is just an act and just scoff at her. "Stop being such a pussy and stand up for yourself." I say not even thinking of helping her up. My father, Mr. Miller, notices and jumps in. "Hey!..." He says in, what he calls, his "teacher voice." 

"What the hell is wrong with you, Christian? Treating a lady like this. I should get you expelled. She was just having a little fun." He says, winking at Cairo. I just roll my eyes and scoff. "You're in love with Cairo, aren't you?" I say. My dad just blushes deeply and says, "Tch. No..." He says looking away from the both of us. Cairo pulls out a cigarette and lights it. She takes a drag and blows it directly towards my face. I just wipe the smoke from my face and walk out of the classroom. I go to my locker and pull out a briefcase and walk to my dorm. I open the briefcase and pull out an Uzi and a Glock 19. I shut the blinds of my dorm window and turn the light off. I get a bunch of candles and put them in a circle. I light them and get a picture of Cairo Sweet from my briefcase as well and place it in the middle of the circle. I grab my Uzi and Glock 19 and place them on the picture. I fold my hands in prayer and look up at the sky. "Oh father in heaven, please let this girl's soul rest in peace." I then blow out all the candles and rip the picture in half and put the guns back in my briefcase and shove it under my bed. 

The next morning, I get up for breakfast. I go down to my car and drive to a nearby MacDonald's. I order some food and just eat it in my car. Once I am finished I go back to the college and go to class. My father is scrolling through the computer and grading. Cairo, of course, is taking drags from her cigarette every minute. I sit this time behind Cairo and just stay silent the whole time. Though I am quiet, Cairo still knows I am behind her and turns around. She puffs a big ring of smoke on my face and bites her tongue. "Poor little wimp got in trouble yesterday, by daddy?" She says, teasingly. I decide to respond immediately instead of ignoring her and say, "My daddy? More like yours." I say, crossing my arms. Cairo looks at me with disgust. "Ew! No!" I just chuckle and pull out a deck of cards. "Wanna play?" I ask placing down the cards. Cairo looks back and puffs a ring of smoke in my face. "Sure?" She said taking a drag of her cigarette. 

I shuffle the cards and draw seven cards to each other. "War? Black Jack? What would you like to play?" Cairo just shrugs and looks at the cards while pushing her hair back. "War then." We both start drawing cards until we get two of the same cards and we play until I win. "Goddamn, you're good." She says. "How are you this good?" She asks while taking another drag of her cigarette. I take out a pocket knife and look at her with cold dead eyes.

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