Very very unpleasant apartment

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Infected's  apartment to uhh idk (I'm gonna call him infected instead of kasper!!)

Infected walked into to his apartment. "P0P T4RT!!" Infected called out. "Meeeowowowo!" Poptart ran up to infected. "H3h3! D0 You W4NT A TR3@t!?" Infected grabbed the treat box and handed poptart a treat. Infected walked passed poptart and grabbed his skateboard. "BY3 P0PT@RT!" Infected left the apartment. Infected stepped onto his skateboard and rode all the way to the skate park.

Infected looked at the rails and started to grind on them. He saw poob from afar just partying in the shade. "Wh@At5 H3 D01NG HE3Re?" Infected asked as he walked up to poob. "HI INFECTED!" Poob said. "H1! Wh@t r UU doing here..?" He asked. "Just partying! Ooh! I love ur pink, green and orange gradient skateboard!" Poob complimented infecteds skatebored. "TH@nk u!" Infected walked back to the rails.

Infected did some flips on the skateboard and grind more rails. "1m g0nna d0 @ KICKf11p!" Infected attempted to do a kick flip but failed and got hurt. Ouch! "1m gonna G0 H0mmE3!" Infected walked to his apartment. While infected was walking to his apartment he noticed a gradient following him. Infected ignored it and continued walking home. Until it kept following him. 

Infected started sprinting to his house. Infected ran up a lot of stairs and still couldn't lose track of the gradient behind him. He finally made it to his apartment, he ran inside and locked the doors behind him. He glared at poptart on his bed, and the gradient started to appear behind the cat. "5ST0P!" Infected called out in a scared tone.

"ANYTH1ng. N0T P0PT@RT!" Infected covered his eyes. The gradient didn't talk back, as Poptart hissed at the unpleasant sight. Infected wanted to save his cat, but he couldn't seem to move. He realized that the gradient was the same gradient as his skateboard. He started to walk over to his bed and snatched the cat away from the gradient.

He took the cat to his bedroom and played Roblox with his friends. He turned on his mic, and called poob. "Hii infected!" Poob greeted. "H3ll0! W@NN@ PL@Y P@r@dise?" Infected asked and poob nodded. They played Roblox for the rest of the day. When infected walked out of his room he noticed that his cat poptart was gone.

"P0PT4RRT!" Infected looked all around his apartment and couldn't find his cat. Infected turned around him and saw the gradient. "You.." infected said in disbelief. "I'm t@king a w@1k." Infected took his walk.on his way back from the walk, he saw poptart. "P0PT@RT!" Infected petted the cat.
Poptart backed up and ran away from infected. "Huh..." infected sighed.

Infected got back to his apartment, and went onto his PC. He called poob but it sent him straight to voice mail. "H3Y! 1 W0nt b3 on1in3 f0r @ 11tt13 b1t! S33 ya!" Infected left the voicemail and went out of his room. When he peeked from the corner, he noticed the elevator door waiting for him to go in. As all the players went out the elevator he went in.

Infected was finally happy to get away from the unpleasant gradient that took his cat away.

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