38 - USJ Pt. VI

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"I brought the teachers!"

Iida appeared from behind All Might, the exhaustion from having to run at full speed for nearly 10 minutes evident from the sheen of sweat on his face.

Without having to say a word Nezu sent all the teachers and staff who had come into action. The more combat oriented heroes ran off to secure the minor criminals who were scattered about the USJ. Recovery Girl and the other non-combat oriented heroes began to escort the students out and treat them at a temporary shelter that Cementoss had erected outside.

However the main focus was on All Might who had begun his descent towards the fountain plaza. Tomura and the Nomu had retreated to Kurogiri's side and were eagerly awaiting the number one hero's arrival.

"Young Shinso, Young Bakugo, Young, Todoroki, and Young Kirishima. You have done well, leave it to us heroes for now and go retreat along with the rest of your class."

"We can still fight!"

"Yeah that thing has multiple quirks so let us help you!"

"Enhanced Speed and Strength, Regeneration, and even Kinetic Absorbtion!"

All Might eyed the three teens who had been fighting the Nomu with a complicated expression before smiling confidently.

"It seems like you fought a rather tough opponent. In the future there will be many tough opponents as well. You all want to be heroes right? Then watch, no witness, what it is a hero does in the face of overwhelming power."

"You're the main event and you aren't even paying attention to the stage we set!"

Tomura, though still seemingly giddy, was beginning to give into his agitation.

"All Might, the Symbol of Peace! The symbol of the hypocritical society of heroes! Heroes who abandon those within the dark, heroes who are unable to save those they promised to protect!"

There was a terrifying fanaticism within Tomura's hoarse shout, a tone that held both belief and truth in the words that were spoken.

"But no more, no more! This society of heroes will soon come to its knees and we, The League of Villains! Shall be the ones to drive the final nails into your coffins! We shall uproot this pathetic paradigm and return the world back to the people! No more heroes and no more villains! No more light and no more shadow!"

Tomura let a dramatic pause settle in the air before he continued.

"Starting with you. Kurogiri, Nomu, kill him."

A black blurr appeared before All Might and the bird headed villain swung at the titan who matched itself in size. All Might threw an upper-cut that would have hit first if not for the portal that suddenly opened beneath the Nomu's chin. Instead All Might's fist met the left side of his own ribs from exiting another portal and the Nomu's fist embedded itself in All Might's face.

Bakugo and Todoroki both launched attacks at Kurogiri however they were intercepted by a series of portals that redirected their attacks towards All Might. The number one hero was immediately forced into the defensive as he tried his best to dodge the attacks that were coming from the dozens of portals that had surrounded the Nomu and himself.

"Kurogiri can you retrieve Jin?"

"Young Master Tomura we must let Jin-"

The portals suddenly stopped as Kurogiri stared blankly into empty space. Tomura glared angrily at Shinso who was standing there fidgeting with his metal mask.

"The peanut gallery shouldn't interrupt."

Shinso had never felt death before. It was calm and dark like a void that encompassed all without discrimination. A unique sense of hopelessness as if standing beneath a tidal wave that would swallow everything in its path. However even as Shinso felt Tomura's feather grip tighten around his neck there was not a single ounce of pain that followed.


Tomura shouted angrily at the dark shadow of a man who was being propped up by Midnight and Present Mic at the top of the stairs. Even from there Tomura could feel the rage coming from the underground hero and it made him falter for a moment. Yet that moment was more than enough for Snipe who had been hiding in the shadows.


Each of the major joints in Tomura's limbs had a bullet pierce through them and he fell to the floor with a howl of agony. Shinso fell backwards and was caught by his classmates before quickly being dragged away from the fighting.


All Might was grateful to Young Shinso's help and even more grateful that his fellow heroes allowed the students to get away safely. Now that majority of the obstacles were out of the way there was no more need to hold back.

The Nomu moved at a speed that All Might hadn't dealt with since his golden age when he had been called to several International Raids. The power behind each of its punches rivaled some of the strongest villains he had faced. All Might could tell that the regeneration and kinetic absorbtion were what was allowing the Nomu to keep up. However with every quirk there was a limit to its effectiveness and even as one trained it was hard to surpass certain limits.

If someone was to ask what it meant for All Might to display his strength and the way he defeated villains there were only two words to describe it: Overwhelming Power.

A power so great that any tricks and traps are meaningless before it. A power so great that it eclipses all that stand before it.

All Might could feel it as he continued to trade blows with the beast before him. It was beginning to slow down and its flesh was no longer hard and muscular but soft and tender. He gathered every last bit of his strength into a single point, one final attack.

"Plus Ultra Smash!"

The moment All Might's fist made contact with the Nomu's abdomen the world seemed to freeze for a moment. However with a loud explosion from the air suddenly being compressed and then shot outward the Nomu disappeared and the glass ceiling of the USJ shattered into a rain of shimmering lights.

Clap Clap Clap

Standing next to Tomura and Kurogiri with a smirk was the missing Jin. Despite the numerous cuts and gashes he was covered in he seemed joyous. In his hands was a ripped piece of crimson cloth with something wrapped in it.

"All Might, quite the show for someone who arrived rather late to the party."


Jin dropped the crimson cloth and drew his blade to deflect Snipe's bullets. His sword was worn and chipped from a recent battle however it was also covered in red ichor.

"It's not nice to interrupt someone while they speak Snipe. Regardless we've done what we came here to do and I even brought a little gift for you!"

A dark sludge appeared from one of the nearby knocked out criminals orifices. It rose up and created a large portal that Kurogiri and Tomura were unceremoniously tossed through.

"Until we meet again heroes."

All Might watched warily as the sludge fell to the ground with a sickening squelch. He walked forward and picked up the crimson cloth, the parting gift the villain had left. It was something strangely soft and thin wrapped beneath the clothe which was damp. All Might watched his hands become dyed red and he hurriedly unwrapped the clothe.

It was a severed right arm that had been decayed on the wrist and back of the hand.

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