41 - Quirk Evolution: Blood Kain

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The beast hiding within the darkness slowly approached Izumi. It's eyes split into dozens of pairs as demonic dragon heads coiled and stretched themselves as their necks reached deeper and deeper into the darkness. Izumi was barely the size of a pebble compared to one of its pupils and she felt as if the heads were eyeing her with hunger. They surrounded her and watched her with curiosity as the darkness began to mold and take shape into a formless body.

Izumi could feel the connection between herself and the creature just like the connection between herself and blood. She reached out towards it but felt the connection shy away from her grasp. The beast physically recoiled itself and hissed at Izumi as a warning. It felt as if it was trying to devour the connection between itself and her.

"Damn beast is even bigger then when I last saw it."

Izumi whipped around and her eyes widened in surprise. It was a figure she had only seen in photos and hazy memories that she had recently discovered. Silver hair, crimson and emerald eyes, a harsh scowl, and a crimson coat that seemed to flow in the wind despite there being no breeze to carry it.

"Although you've changed the most compared to that thing Izumi."

The Bloodedge, her Father, stood before her with a smirk and sadness behind his eyes.

"Looks like my seal wore off first and your Mother's will be wearing off soon too."


"See that big beast over there? That's your quirk, or more specifically you have to make it yours."

"How do I do that?"

The Bloodedge looked confused as of how to explain what he meant for a moment.

"Your quirk originally come from a part of my quirk. You see that thing used to be sleeping inside of me but after you were born it went to you. It was too much for your young body to handle so I had to lock it away until your body was ready. Now you have to tame it, show it that you accept it and can control it. Or it will devour you."

Izumi looked back to the beast that had calmed down after her Father's arrival. It merely continued to watch the the pair with weary eyes.

The Bloodedge walked up to his daughter and sighed, the smile never fading from his face.

"I'll only show you once so pay attention kid."

A familiar aura appeared around Izumi's Father as he began to concentrate his power. He took a deep breath and began to release a dominating pressure that made it difficult for even Izumi to breathe. In response the beast began to roar in challenge but The Bloodedge persisted. A battle of willpower ensued and soon ended in favor of the silver haired warrior. The beast was unable to withstand the pressure and eventually bowed its heads in reverence and subservience.

Izumi was mesmerized by the immense power her Father displayed. It was far more dominating and overbearing than she had imagined. She also came to recognize just how weak she was compared to the shadow she was currently chasing.

"Don't worry too much about it and give it a try kid. You'll be able to do it."

Izumi's nervous smile soon turned into a smirk as she stood before the beast. She could feel its overwhelming power and majesty but continued to stand her ground. With a small grunt she began to gather the power of her quirk and focused on grabbing hold of the connection between herself and it. She tugged gently on the connection to her quirk and felt the overwhelming sensation of its power bearing down upon her. Izumi did not fight the tidal wave of power and let it wash over her and through her. She could feel it surround her and she let herself drown into its abyss sinking deeper and deeper.

Accept it and Control it.

Izumi began to gather the power within her own body and began to wrestle with it as it began a violent torrent of waves and whirlpools. She could feel the beast coiling around her and trying to devour her but yet she felt as if it was waiting for this very moment. Waiting for her to grab a hold of its secrets. She could feel herself enter its jaws and sink into its stomach but it was no longer the violent power she contended with. This power was warm and bright as it called for her to reach out and take it.

By the time Izumi opened her eyes her Father and the beast had long since disappeared. She could feel the beast coiling around her heart but it was not painful. Instead it was invigorating and enriching. She could feel it's power coursing through her and assimilating itself into her body. This was her quirk in its truest form, a vast abyss that held an unfathomable beast. A beast born of blood and darkness. A beast she had Devoured.

Izumi Aizawa (Midoriya)

Quirk: Blood Kain [Evolved from Progenitor] - the one who rules over the beast born of blood and darkness

Auxiliary Ability: Blood Manipulation - able to control blood within and outside of a body, uses can vary

Auxiliary Ability: Crystallization- able to create hardened crystals using blood

Auxiliary Ability: Beastly Sense [Evolved from Blood Hunter] -  able to heighten the senses and see/sense the blood of others permanently

Auxiliary Ability: Embodiment of The Beast [Evolved from Overdrive] - able to enhance the body and absorb the blood of others during this state, constantly damages the body when in use however absorbing blood during this state will heal the body

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