46 - First Date

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It was Wednesday and the class had come to a mutual agreement that they should all have a well deserved day to rest in order to prepare for the more intensive training ahead. Izumi was originally planning to spend the day improving control over her quirk. However Toga was very insistent on going to the nearby shopping center that had recently opened and Izumi found that she couldn't say "no" to her girlfriend. Especially when Toga straddled her and began to whisper in her ear in a sultry tone. Considering that the couple had yet to have a romantic day to themselves Izumi very gratefully gave into Toga's teasing. There was just one tiny, very miniscule issue for the silver haired girl. She had never gone on a date before. If one lacked knowledge then one simply needed to seek it out. That was how Izumi ended up standing in front of Mina's dorm room.

"You going to knock or what?"

Izumi jumped at at the voice from behind her but once she saw it was Mina she calmed down.

"O-oh yeah sorry I wanted to ask you something."

"Sure what's up?"

Mina had yet to interact with Izumi outside of a group setting so she was eager to see what she didn't know about the silver haired girl. From what she knew Izumi was rather stoic and harsh when it came to heroism and hero work. She was diligent in her training and studies and stood proudly as the top student amidst all of the first year hero courses. Her methods were ruthlessly efficient and brutal, a far cry from the easily flustered and shy creature Izumi was around her girlfriend and friends. Seeing Izumi cover up her right arm with a sleeve and glove still reminded the pink skinned girl about the dangers of that lie ahead. Yet she herself couldn't help but feel hopeful and determined whenever she saw that striking red coat.

"It's about the date Himi wants to go on. I want to make it the best day ever so I need your help!"

Mina giggled, Toga had come seen her the night before for the same reason.

"You don't have to worry about the date so much, what's important is just having fun and enjoying each other's company. But I can certainly help you choose your outfit and give you some pointers!"


Toga had taken Mina's advice and decided to meet Izumi at the shopping center instead of leaving the school together.

"It's to build anticipation and excitement! Just imagine it, watching Izumi run up to you as you take in all her splendor. Wouldn't that make it more exciting?"

So while she did feel bad for leaving earlier she was also glad that she had listened. A mixture of nervousness and excitement made her heart pound loudly as she waited at the fountain for her girlfriend to arrive.

Toga had decided to wear a brown cardigan and a skirt with her hair in its usual twin buns. White thigh high socks that left just a smidgen of her bare thighs showing between themselves and the skirt. The fabled absolute territory, a truly rare and glorious sight to behold for anyone who walked the earth. The collar she and Izu had designed was now comfortably sitting around her neck releasing a pleasant vanilla scent that helped ease her nerves.

"Himi! Sorry did I make you wait long?"

Mina was correct and Toga would never again doubt her acidic friend when it came to matters of romance.

Izumi graced her girlfriend's eyes with a black uniform shirt that's design left a window open on the chest area for the viewing of the holy land. The knee high combat boots and a miniskirt had Toga bewildered over how different Izumi had dressed from what she had expected. Even the floor length crimson coat now replaced with a short crimson vest.

The only clothes Toga had seen Izumi wear were her U.A. uniform, the U.A. gym uniform, her hero outfit (something Toga very much took a liking to), and pajamas (which more often than not was just one of Toga's oversized hoodies). It was rather refreshing to see her girlfriend in casual clothes, even if it was strictly in her red and black color scheme.

"No, you got here just in time."

Toga slipped her hand into Izumi's own and began dragging her towards a small confectionery store that she had read about the previous night.

"Let's get something small for while we walk around."


Izumi couldn't help but stare at Toga's smiling face as they wandered from store to store. It made her happy to see Toga so relaxed and worry free. She never brought it up but Toga always had a slightly anxious energy about her in most settings. The only exceptions were when the two were alone together or during training. Watching her girlfriend laugh and enjoy herself brought a new kind of happiness and resolve to Izumi.

"Beautiful. So beautiful that I never want to let it go."

Toga turned towards Izumi with an embarrassed expression and blushing complexion. It was only then that the silver haired girl realized that she has accidentally spoken out loud.

"I don't want to let you go either."

Toga nuzzled her head into Izumi's chest to hide her embarrassment and a few passing people smiled warmly at the sight.



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