Chapter 1

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I began my career in NJROTC not too long ago. I haven't made much friends that day, nor have I had good feeling that it would turn out the way it would. I've been having fun and been working hard on this. I didn't realize how fun this is.

I normally am more anti social, but these people are really kind and understanding. I hope to make it big here soon.

I just started my Sophomore Year and I became an officer for my NJROTC club. I've been working hard for all my work. But I should touch up on my Freshman year a bit.

When I was a Freshman, I didn't know anything about this program. I was isolated, and had mental health issues. I didn't want to talk to anyone. But the people in this club, they understand my struggles and taught me values of leadership and confidence. I've now become more harder and tougher than I was before.

I have had suicidal tendencies and thoughts before this as well. My parents never really cared or understood me. And one day even abandoned me. Since months of therapy and joining the program I have seen much more and felt much better.

Although I have had awkward moments with a boy. He asked me out, I kindly rejected him, and now he's worrying about me and what I have done over the summer. It's concerning but I think it's likely nothing.

The boy's name is Ryan Campbell. Ryan is a nice kid. People treat him bad but he is a nice person. It's just awkward taking to him seeing as he asked me out at one point. It might happen again but I'm not too sure.

As for my friends I've made quite a few. I currently work in the 6th Platoon of my grade and I work under Nathan Cooper. He is the former drill team commander. And he taught me a lot about drill.

I treat my students like my babies. They are gonna be taught how to do big things one day. I know how things can be, and it's my duty to help them get through.

I have my best friend, Lily Edward's as well and we have done way too much together. It's a blast hanging out with her. I can't wait to have more fun.

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