part six

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authors note: Spanish will be in bold

Elisa's POV

After watching Charli's first game with Barca I was absolutely buzzing, I couldn't be more proud of her. When she first told me she was considering leaving PSG I was really upset, I tried to do everything to make her stay, well not everything I wanted to do, but in the end it is way better for her over there, her career has already skyrocketed and I couldn't help but be over the moon for her.

A bit after her game I saw that she posted on instagram, I quickly clicked on her profile seeing a smiling Charli running on the pitch and my heart warmed. I started scrolling through the comments interested to see what people were saying. That was until I wasn't.

Wososhipz: anyone else see ona hug charli after her goal??


Who the fuck is Ona? And why did a ship account comment that?

Before any clear thoughts could enter my mind I was already furious. It was no secret around PSG that I had a major crush on Charli, I mean who couldn't she was beautiful, caring and she always made me smile no matter what. And she had always been there for me and I for her. Ugh if only I had the balls to actually tell her, but I was scared that if she didn't feel the same way I would ruin our friendship that I cherished so much.

Curious about this Ona chick I started to go through Charli's posts and see what her deal was.

Onabatlle: stealing my drink

Oh. So they were on a date. But surely if Charli was dating someone she would tell me, right. The other day she did say she had to go, but never answered my question where.

I don't even know this girl and I'm already jealous. I couldn't wait to see her and finally tell her what I've been wanting to say for over a year now. When I sent the message I was at training with the girls and they made me do what I've wanted to do for forever. They all shipped us and told me she definitely liked me back, but I wasn't quite sure.

Before going mental about Ona I just decided the most appropriate thing to do is to text Charli, would she give me the truth though?

Charli Warley

Me: hey, great game today I was watching from home and you were amazing, weird question though, do you know Ona Batlle?

Charli Warley: aww thanks for the support, and yeah she's my teammate why?

Me: oh no reason just wondering if you were close

Charli Warley: yeah I guess we are, she's a good friend. Why?

She's a good friend. Friend. Thank god.

Ona's POV

After today's match me, Alexia and Mapi decided to come back to mine and have dinner together while discussing the game. I was so thrilled with the result from today, especially Charli's goal, it was amazing and after what happened between us in the change rooms I'm starting to question my feelings for her. After the first half she had wrapped her arms around me and I began to get nervous just by her touching me, I honestly was starting to think I liked her. I mean it wouldn't be that surprising, she's incredible.

"Hey Ona, what did you think about Charli's goal?" Mapi questioned knowingly of what she was doing.

"It was pretty epic, I have to say" I responded, a smile appearing on my face just by the thought of Charli, and this didn't go unnoticed by Alexia.

"Ona, when are you just going to admit you like her, you're always smiling whenever her name gets brought up"

"Ok fine, I like Charli. I really like Charli" I responded with again a beaming smile.

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