part twelve

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authors note: Spanish will be bold

I was pretty sure that Elisa hadn't seen Alexia's post since we were still texting like normal but very flirty. I was surprised that she hadn't seen it considering the whole internet was going crazy about it and now shipped Ona and I even more. Ona and I just laughed at the accusation considering they weren't right but they weren't wrong either. She found it funny that people also shipped Elisa and I. I knew she didn't like it though, but she never talked about her problem with Elisa, and Elisa never even mentioned Ona.

I knew at some point that I was going to have to choose or at least confess my feelings for both girls, but that wasn't my top priority at the moment. The international break was coming up soon enough and Australia had three games we needed to play all at home. These games would determine our future at the Olympics so we had to win them all. The calls for the camp were coming today but I wasn't stressed, I was a vital part of the matildas and my form at Barca has been really good.

Words couldn't describe how happy I was to go home, to see all my friends and family after being away since the world cup. I was leaving behind all my love drama and hopefully able to enjoy the trip with friends. I couldn't wait to see Sam and Kyra, we all had so much to catch up on. My love triangle, Sam's engagement and Kyra and Courtney having another fight. I knew they loved each other, but they couldn't see it.

Ona and I were laying on her couch watching a tv show when I saw the call from Tony come through. I quickly got up from Ona's arms and started pacing around the room.

"Hey, Charli I just wanted to confirm your participation in the upcoming camp" he said very cheery.

"Of course Tony, it's an honour" and it was. Everytime I put on my green and gold uniform I felt a surge of pride. To play for an amazing club is one thing, but playing for your country and people is another.

After finishing up the call with Tony I went back to Ona who just looked thrilled to see me coming back to her arms. Today we had an afternoon training which meant we had the whole morning off. We spent our free time exploring some of the beautiful places in Barcelona. She took me to her favourite cafe and even compared it to mine and Elisa's in Paris, calling it the 'better cafe'. I laughed at her joke but wondered how much the pair hated each other. If it was as much as I thought that meant telling them about each other was off the table. They probably would have ripped each other's head off and then my own.

Since I was already at Ona's we decided to head to training together, this definitely meant our teammates would talk but she didn't mind our friends knowing, but I couldn't explain why I didn't want anyone knowing so I didn't argue it. As long as no one told anyone I would be fine, right?

The drive was short and soon enough we were making our way into the training facilities. There were huge crowds waiting outside hoping to get an autograph. Not wanting to be seen I quickly put the hood of my hoodie over my head covering the majority of my face as well as my sunnies. Ona just laughed but I could see in my side vision that she was a little saddened by how much I wanted to hide this. Normally I wouldn't care about hiding really anything in my life except my mum, but this was different. I was hiding us to protect both Elisa's and Ona's feelings. They both meant so much to me and the thought of them being heart broken by me caused my own heart to crack.

Ona's POV

When we entered the gates at the training grounds Charli made sure no one knew she was with me. Seeing her be so embarrassed to be seen with me shocked me a little. She was fine when we were rumoured, but why was she so scared for it to be real. I tried my hardest to put a smile on my face and act like nothing was wrong but deep down I was breaking down.

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