Blow a kiss fire a gun

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I went to the bathroom to check my weight. Oh I lost 15 pounds in the last 10 days. Okay.

I didn't feel so good.

I was really itchy and I felt really weak like all the time.

Hmm. Probs just my diet.

Two days left

I knew what I wanted to do.

lol yes but I want to tell off Angelina.

Hey Angelina! Your face is unsymmetrical!


I hate you.



No that won't work either.

I'll wing it.

I need my Peter Pan where's my Peter Pan?!

I was walking, no flying the halls searching for him.


I said looking down at Neverland.

Oh crap , Hook!

I saw Angelina walk by while glaring into my soul.

"Fuck you"
I said under my breath.

"I heard that , bitch"
She said disgusted

"Good , cunt"

I walked away before she could say anything else.

I believed and then I lifted up again , and continued my search.


I looked in my telescope AKA my glasses.

"Ahh there you are! Peter fly with me!"
I said finding nick and grabbing his hand.

"My pleasure Wendy!"

We both ran around school not caring what others thought.

We were better if not perfect together.

" Let's runaway and build a house in the woods!" 😂😉
Nick said jokingly

"Great idea! Then go missing and get bitten by a snake! Sounds perfecto!"
Sarcastically I said while waving my hands in the air

" Oh jeez your girlfriend olive coming in at 12 o'clock"
I said while pretending to take out a light saber.

"Here young Jedi take this!"
I threw a "light saber" at him

"Vroom vroom vroom"
I made the sound effects of our weapons while looking like a complete idiot waving around an invisible futuristic sword.

Olive was just standing there.

Like literally just standing there watching us being complete N to the E to the R to the D.

I uh coughed and then stopped.

Nick was still trying to pulling it off.

"Uh nick "
I said making a signal saying "stahp human"

I then just took his hands and slowly put them down.

"So uh what do you want olive"
He said

"Well I have this party and I wanted to invite you to it. It's like a tradition. So uh here"
She handed nick a envelope.

"Well If she can go I can go. "
Nick pointed at me.

"Fine. Here"

She held out an envelope as I grabbed it. after giving me the invitation she wiped her hand off.
What a B

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