chapter 10

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author's note: this chapter is a collection of scenes of things that happen with lucy, kendall, and roman after episode seven and through episode eight. i usually don't like to go away from the actual show this much, but a good amount of time passes between those two episodes. we never see christmas or new year's in the show and i think it's important for y'all to see how the relationships develop during that time. next chapter will be back to episode 9!

Kendall woke up violently hungover. Lucy was also feeling the effects of the night before, but had promised Eloise and Carter that she would meet them for brunch. Kendall groaned when she opened the blinds to reveal the sunny early winter day.

"Sorry," she said apologetically, also irritated by the bright light.

"You still going to brunch?," he asked, rolling over to lay his head face down in the pillow.

"Yeah, I'll try to be quiet while I get ready so you can go back to sleep."

"You're fine," he replied. "You can take my credit card. Buy your friends brunch."

Lucy smiled. "You paid me plenty as your assistant; I can buy my own meal. Thank you though."

"Take my card and buy everyone brunch as an apology for last night. Plus, maybe it'll soften the blow of you telling them we're together."

Lucy leaned down and kissed his cheek. "Thank you Kenny."


Lucy, Eloise and Carter met up at a place in midtown with bottomless mimosas that they frequented. Eloise and Carter were also hungover, but were too intrigued by Lucy's possible explanation as to what they witnessed last night to cancel.

"Order what you want; brunch is on me," Lucy announced when they sat down.

"You win the lottery in the 12 hours since we last saw you?," Carter joked.

"Or is Kendall paying?," Eloise piped in.

"Shut up," Lucy said with a mischievous smile.

"Yeah so what the fuck was that last night?," Carter asked, looking over the menu as though he wasn't going to order the exact same thing he always got.

"Yeah um...Kendall and I have been seeing each other," Lucy replied nervously.

"Seeing each other or sleeping together?," Eloise asked.

"No, actually seeing each other," Lucy said, irritated at her friend's judgment.

"I thought he was married," Carter said. " 40."

"Him and his wife got separated," Eloise explained.

"And he's 38," Lucy added.

Eloise laughed. "You're saying that like it's any better than him being 40. He's still a decade older than you."

"And he's your boss," Carter said.

"Not anymore," Lucy mumbled.

"C'mon Luc, this is ridiculous," Carter said.

"And I um...I assume he's using again?," Eloise asked awkwardly.

Lucy's cheeks flushed as she nodded.

"He's an addict," Eloise told Carter.

"Okay can we not fucking...air all of Ken's dirty laundry over brunch?," Lucy asked, suddenly feeling very defensive. 

"I mean, it's the truth," Eloise said. "Please let me set you up with one of Thomas' friends."

Eloise had been trying to set Lucy up with her fiancé's friends for years, but Lucy found them all boring and self absorbed.

an assistant's dilemma: a kendall roy & roman roy love triangleWhere stories live. Discover now