chapter 14

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Eloise got married in the city on a Saturday afternoon. Lucy's parents flew in on Friday on flights paid for by Kendall. It was meant to be a nice gesture, but Lucy's father called her after she emailed her parents the tickets, asking if her billionaire boyfriend thought that they were incapable of paying for their own flights. Lucy and Kendall were supposed to grab dinner with her parents Friday night, but they got stuck at the office late as they so often did, so they all agreed to meet at the wedding venue the next day.

Lucy had given Kendall the whole run down — her parents weren't big drinkers, so they shouldn't drink heavily at the wedding. They also hated cigarettes, so take smoke breaks out of their sight. They were obsessed with their grandchildren, so it would good for Ken to ask about them and talk about Sophie and Iverson.

As the couple was rushing out the door as to not be late, Kendall lined up coke on the kitchen island. 

"No, no way," Lucy said, shaking her head as she grabbed her purse. "I need you to be clear headed today."

"Just one line," he said. "I'm more clear headed with one line."

She sighed. "Fine, but hurry up."

He had already lined up two lines, and despite agreeing on just taking one, he snorted them both before grabbing his wallet and opening the apartment door for him and Lucy to walk out.

When they arrived at the wedding venue, Lucy's parents were still no where to be found. She wouldn't be surprised if they got lost. They had only visited New York a handful of times, and were far from being city people. Kendall went to greet Tim while Lucy walked off to the bridal suite. Eloise and her fiancé had agreed not to have bridesmaids and groomsmen. They both had a million friends, and they knew making the decision as to who would be included would just result in someone being upset. While she supported her best friend's decision, Lucy couldn't help but wish she was by Eloise's side for her big day.

"Come in," Eloise called out after Lucy knocked on the door.

Lucy entered the spacious bridal suite, where Eloise was getting her updo hair sprayed, and sat down on the couch. "Hey," she greeted her. "You excited?"

Lucy saw her best friend's smile in the reflection of the mirror. "Yeah, a little nervous, but excited. Are your parents here yet?"

"Nah not yet. I wouldn't be shocked if they got lost on the subway."

Eloise laughed. "And what about the fresh price of Manhattan? You bring him?"

"Yeah, he's out there talking to your dad."

"Having him here will be interesting," Eloise said, thanking her hairdresser, who began cleaning up her supplies.

Lucy furrowed her brow. "What do you mean? You told me to bring him."

"No I know, but that was before I remembered your parents were also coming. Is this their first time meeting?"

"Yeah, my mom has been on my ass about meeting him, so this just seemed like a convenient time for them all to meet."

"So it's getting pretty serious then?," Eloise asked, leaning in closer to the mirror to investigate her hair and makeup.

"I mean, I don't know. We haven't even been together six months."

"Yeah but you're basically living together right?"

"Yeah but..."

"And he's been trying to get my dad to speed up the divorce proceedings," Eloise added.

"What does that have to do with anything?," Lucy asked, grabbing the open bottle of champagne off the coffee table and pouring herself a glass.

"He can't get remarried until the divorce proceedings go there."

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