6) how to train your dragon (not as cool as the movies)

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So.. I kinda lied. Not really though. I wrote Adas hair as being "light brown" but in all honesty when I looked at the color, it more of a VERY dirty blond. I apologize for this - alllll though, light brown and VERY dirty blonde are kinda the same thing, lowkey? So maybe I'll keep switching them. Anyways, if you're confused go check out the cast chapter!!!

LOL - lots of leo 🫰🫰


"...when you said dragon, you really meant it huh?"

Ada was staring at the comically large trap the two had discovered in the woods - most likely built by the Hephaestus cabin. It was ridiculously large, and Leo tested the trap with his foot. As expected, nothing happened since he didn't weight nearly enough to match a dragon.

The two of them continued to search, but Ada didn't see any release mechanism. No large button labeled off. It occurred to her that there might not be one. She could see Leo starting to despair-and then the woods echoed with a sound.

It was more of a tremor-the deep sort of rumbling you hear in your gut rather than your ears. It gave her the jitters, but she didn't look around for the source, as Leo turned around to peek at anything that may have been responsible.

Then they heard a grinding snort, like steam forced out of a metal barrel.

Her neck tingled. She said too late, "Is that-"


She could feel Leo's body push her down, concealing half of her frame under one of the scattered bushes around them. Ada stifled her grunt of pain and opted to heavily breathe out of her mouth instead, trying to steady herself.

From under the bush, Ada could still see the dragon just fine. It was about sixty feet long, snout to tail, its body made of interlocking bronze plates. Its claws were the size of butcher knives, and its mouth was lined with hundreds of dagger-sharp metal teeth. Steam came out of its nostrils. It snarled like a chain saw cutting through a tree.

It could've bitten Leo in half, easy, or stomped him flat, but what was Ada going to do? Judo flip the giant metal automaton to save him? She didn't think so.


It was beautiful.

The dragon, he meant. Bronze plates that intertwined so perfectly, it made his Hephaestus kid brain go haywire.

One problem with his great plan, though.

"You don't have wings," Leo said.

The dragon's snarl died. It tilted its head as if to say, 'Why aren't you running away in terror?'

"Hey, no offense," Leo said. "You're amazing! Good god, who made you? Are you hydraulic or nuclear-powered or what? But if it was me, I would've put wings on you. What kind of dragon doesn't have wings? I guess maybe you're too heavy to fly? I should've thought of that." Half of his talk was stalling for Ada to get away, the other half was genuine.

The dragon snorted, more confused now. It was supposed to trample Leo. This conversation thing wasn't part of the plan. It took a deep sniff of the air and snarled deeply, snapping its head towards the bush his friend had shuffled herself under. It took a step forward, and Leo shouted. "No!" He threw his hands out.

The dragon snarled again.

"It's my friend, bronze brain." Leo said. "She won't hurt you, but you have to promise no killing or maiming. Or fire."

The dragon's eyes bored into his and the bronze giant bowed gently with a snort of hot smoke. Leo took that as a good sign.

"You can come out, he's safe...relatively."

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