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3971 BBY

Jedi Temple, Coruscant:

"You were warned Master Kae," Master Vandar shouted, "and now we find you are teaching your pupil dark side techniques." "Is it any different from Grandmaster Sunrider letting her pupil study the ancient Sith," Kae replied calmly. "There is a difference Kae," Nomi said. "The difference is that you are the Grandmaster and therefore can get away with anything," Kae said. "No," Nomi shot back, "the difference is that I let my pupil study the ancient Sith and the dark side to better understand them, because our ancient enemy will return one day and she wishes to be ready for that inevitable outcome." The council room was silent as the Grandmaster spoke, not a sound. "While you actively teach and encourage Revan to learn dark side techniques," Nomi continued, "for force's sake, Master Vima walked in on you trying to teach Revan force lightning." "I have my way of teaching just as you have yours," Kae said, "as the Grandmaster, you must respect that." "I cannot and will not respect it when you are trying to corrupt the most promising student we have seen in a millennia," Nomi shouted, "remind me how many of your former pupils fell to the dark side, remind me how many?" "I did not make them fall to the dark side," Kae said calmly, "they chose it." "No one chooses the corruption of the dark side," Master Zhar said. "Do your pupils even matter to you," Nomi asked, "you do not even seem to care for them." "I care for all my pupils, no matter what befalls them," Kae said, "perhaps Revan and Exar more than others, but I do care for all of them." "You claim this but do not clean up after yourself," Nomi said, "I have had to. Exar Kun left the galaxy burning, I was the one who tirelessly fought to stop him. Not you, me and the other Jedi. Not you, never you. For force's sake, Master Mirax Kallea died because of the war you inadvertently caused. " "When Exar was under my tutelage I never denied him knowledge," Kae said, "just as I have never denied Revan knowledge. And when I had taught Exar everything I could, I pointed him to where he could find more knowledge." "You pointed him to Yavin 4 and Korriban," Nomi said, "and the galaxy paid the price and now you will too." Nomi took in air after her outburst. "All in favour for the immediate exile of Master Arren Kae from the Jedi Order," Nomi said. Every hand in the room shot up. "In unanimous decision, former Master Arren Kae, you are stripped of your title of Jedi Master," Nomi said, standing up, "you will never return to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, you will never return to the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine, you will never be a Jedi again. If you do the Jedi Order will be forced to take action." Nomi was now standing in front of Kae, staring her down, looking down on her. "I have one request," Kae said, "I wish to bid my apprentice farewell." "Denied," Nomi said immediately, "you have already corrupted Revan with your teachings enough, you will leave and speak to no one." "I do not wish to teach him," Kae said, "I simply wish to inform him of my departure." "No," Nomi said forcefully, "Temple guards, escort Arren Kae to a shuttle." The Jedi Temple Guards entered the building, Kae turned to look at them. Two Temple guards stood behind her while two stood in front before the Temple Guards disappeared with the disgraced Jedi Master Arren Kae from the council chambers.

3970 BBY

Jedi Temple, Coruscant:

Revan entered the Jedi Council chambers looking for Grandmaster Nomi Sunrider, as his Master Zhar had instructed. Zhar had claimed that he had nothing left to teach Revan, so it was best to seek out the Grandmaster for personal tutelage. Yet as he entered the chambers it was empty. For all but one chair, his former Master Kae's seat. Now sat there was a blonde woman in white Echani robes. "Hello Master Atris," Revan said. "Padawan Revan," Atris replied, "is there something I can help you with?" "I see you've taken my former master's seat," Revan said. "Yes," Atris said, "there always has to be 12 masters on the council and with my loyalty and dedication to upholding Jedi traditions I was granted this position, one which I am eternally grateful for." "Yea, ok," Revan said, "I don't really care, but good for you. Have you seen Grandmaster Sunrider?" "I have not," Atris said. Just as she said that, the council chamber doors opened and in walked Grandmaster Sunrider. "Master Zhar has informed me that you seek further tutelage," Nomi said, "I will happily take you on as my apprentice." "Thank you, Grandmaster," Revan bowed his head.

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