21. samasya ka samadhan, sollution of the problem.

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Karn watched bewildered as Krishna climbed a huge Mango tree.

He winked at a pouting Subhadra who glared at him.

"Either you give me the pot or else I will never, ever, ever, talk to you again, bhratashri," the princess warned.

Radha and Adhirat had retired to their bed upon Karn's insistence.

"Subhadray, I'm being hit with nostalgia," Krishna said, jumping down the tree.

Karn's breath hitched as he looked in surprise as Krishna landed on the ground, on his feet, as light as a feather.

"Come, sit, Bhadre," Krishna gestured under the tree, and Subhadra sat down.

"You are also welcomed," Krishna said, looking in Karn's direction.

Karn was standing at the entrance of his house, and the tree was just a few feet away from his house.

The more amusing thing was that the tree was planted by Karn when he was five, and the mangoes on the tree were so juicy.

A monkey out of nowhere jumped to Krishna as he handed the pot of butter to Subhadra.

"Bhrata, why did you say you were hit with nostalgia? Did you do such things in Vrindavana as well?" Subhadra asked, and Krishna smiled.

Karn could not help but notice the minute expression of pain in Krishna's eyes.

He knew Krishna was a cowherd but didn't know how or why.

And about Vrindavana, he had heard a lot about the beautiful village, where there was peace and prosperity.

"Bhrata Karn," Krishna's excited voice reached Karn, and he startled.

"This was your house, isn't it?" Krishna's childish excitement made Karn wonder if this was the same Dwarkadhish who was so divine, the same Krishna who saved him, and the same Krishna who wept so hard due to some unknown reason or his shri.

He didn't know who this shri was.

"Yes, Krishna. May I know the reason you ran through the streets at the dead of night?" he asked, and Krishna smiled sheepishly.

Subhadra pouted and turned to Karn and spoke.

"He didn't even let me sleep peacefully, saying and crying so hard in distress that he was hungry. When I asked him what he wanted, he said he wanted this," Subhadra pointed at the butter pot in her hands.

"When I got it for him with oh so great difficulty from the kitchen, he ran off with the pot when I asked for some and reached here."

Karn looked amusedly at the now grinning Krishna.

He looked so, innocent? Adorable? He didn't know what to say.

He had literally forgotten about the problem that lay in front of him, whether to accept Rajmata Kunti as his mother and leave his Radha Ma or stay with his Radha Ma who made him who he was right now.

"Come, Bhrata Karn. Maybe your problem would be solved after you have some butter?" Krishna said, and Karn slowly stepped out of his house and went and sat next to Krishna and Subhadra.

Subhadra opened the pot and gave butter to Karn, who had it and was amused with its taste.

He had previously had the butter of Hastinapur.

It wasn't this tasty and divine.

How could it be now?

He had had the butter so many times, but none had this amazing and oh-so-heart-touching and soul-touching taste.

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