Chapter 6: Carnage V.S Exterminators Part 1

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3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

When (Y/N) was with Charlie not alone because there was two exterminator angels came here and yes...they both came here to visit Charlie Morningstar by themselves and they both seeing (Y/N) with Charlie here. But this guy is definitely prick for himself and make (Y/N) doesn't like this at all and then (Y/N) just stood up there and show himself to these two exterminator angels and Charlie who was tries her best to introduce with herself and these two right there.

 But this guy is definitely prick for himself and make (Y/N) doesn't like this at all and then (Y/N) just stood up there and show himself to these two exterminator angels and Charlie who was tries her best to introduce with herself and these two r...

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Adam: "And who's this?" He asked Charlie and make her look at (Y/N) who lean against on the wall and then she said.

Charlie: "This is (Y/N) (L/N) and he's...a human in the hell." She said to the two of them and make them were surprise for what they heard Charlie just said that.

Adam: "Impossible! No human can allow in this hell?!? How in the heck are you get here?!" He asked (Y/N) and make him was walk closer to him and he said.

(Y/N): "Why don't you tries me? See what happened next?" He asked Adam and this make the leader of exterminators was going to fight with this human but the heaven told Adam will not hurt any humans but only demons. Then (Y/N) was definitely know about something with this 'Adam' character and (Y/N) was heard Vaggie's story about this man here...and he doesn't trust him also (Y/N) was heard Vaggie who was an exterminator member before...she was an angel and she betrayed them because she doesn't want to kill any demons.

Adam: "Clever...Very clever...I like you." He said to him.

Charlie: "Shall we get the business done?" She asked the leader of exterminators and make him was nod his head and then he just get off and make him was turn his head to look at Charlie and give him a warm smile.

(Y/N): "*I don't like the way that guy is fucking smile...he's lying...pretty much fucking lying.*" He thought himself and make him look over there one of the exterminator angel member is looking at (Y/N) and gave him a shook her head and she think (Y/N) is a demon...but he prove himself that he isn't demon and here comes the meeting up.

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