Chapter 23: New Threats/The Avatars

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3rd POV:

Next Week Later.

Kotori: "So, you're taking a ship for few weeks?" She asked (Y/N) and then there was (Y/N) is in the cruise ship for himself and he wasn't alone because he had three girls with him and they both were in the cruise ship and the three of them were sat on the bench chairs for themselves...they were just chilling.

(Y/N): "Yeah, I'm taking my time off." He said to her.

Kotori: "Okay, when are you coming back here?" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Possibly, I don't know...but I'm going to make it there when I arrive right on the the way what am I going to do next is take a few rest from now on." He said to her.

Kotori: "Alright, but if anyone or DEM or AST tries to figure you out about how you were here? You have to es-" She tries to said.

(Y/N): "Escape...of course not...I'm going to fight them and take them down easily...but the thing is...I can't be killed or defeat by anyone else. Look, I have to" He said to her.

Kotori: "SHUT UP!!!!!! I'm not old enough to be your mom!?!" She said to (Y/N) and make him was chuckle little bit and he said.

(Y/N): "Alright, alright...I'm kidding with you okay? I mean I'm not trying to insult you." He said to her and he was end the call of his iPhone and make him sigh little bit and he put his iPhone back to his coat's pocket and then (Y/N) was sigh little bit and make him turn his head to look at the girls over there and they were lying on the bench chairs and relax with the sun. Then (Y/N) was take the cigarette with lighter out and make him was put it on his mouth and (Y/N) light it up in the cigarette and he was stood right there and chilling.

(Y/N): "*Sigh* Well, this is take far trip away from here.~" He said to himself and make him was stood right there and chilling little bit with cigarette on his mouth and smoking it up right away and then (Y/N) was look around the ocean and also some seagulls were chirping. Then (Y/N) just stood there and mind his own business and until few moment later that (Y/N) thinking about the flashback with past in his head and he know how much he was going through...but he fight and kills also consume...he was a hero...but true legend hero for himself to fight some monsters and demons in the other world.

(Y/N): "*I wonder if Charlie with Vaggie going to be alright.*" He thought himself and until something coming right up and there was a rain drops over on this cruise ship and make (Y/N) confuse and he turn his head to look down at his hand.

(Y/N): "Huh...what the-" He tries to said and out of nowhere here comes raining more down on the cruise ship and make his girlfriends were surprise as well and they both definitely don't like the rains falling today.

(Y/N): "Wait a minute...I swear that I thought this weather has a sun...but no freaking rain....what the hell is this?" He asked himself and until (Y/N) seen largest raining coming down here right away and then (Y/N) got his face like he doesn't know what is this the meaning of this...strange...and feeling weird.

Saya: "(Y/N), I think I just sense something came here right now." She said to (Y/N) and make him was turn his head to look at her and he asked her.

(Y/N): "What is it?" He asked her.

Saya: "I think I sense there was a big hurricane with tornado coming here." She said to (Y/N) and this make four of them were surprise little bit and they turn their heads to look over there and saw there was a big giant tornado came here. This make the four of them got their jaws hanging like WTF and they didn't know this before...but they can seen it is closer and more closer to the cruise ship.

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