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Anthropods (insectkins)

Insectkin are otherkin who identify as an insect of some kind. A more general term may be arthropodkin, as some self-described insectkin may have kintypes that are arachnids such as spiders or scorpions, which aren't actually insects but are related. Insects are a very diverse group of animals, so insectkin themselves may be very different from each other. Identifying as an insect could include, but not be limited to, spiritually believing you have the soul of an insect or were reincarnated into an insect in a past life, identifying as an insect to cope with mental illnesses, or believing you aren't inherently human. Insectkin may feel supernumerary phantom limbs relating to their kintype, such as the feeling of a "phantom" or "astral" legs, wings, antennae, mandibles, or other body parts insects may have.

Insectkin may find comfort in activities or behavior that insects take part in. Insects vary greatly in appearance, size, abilities, and social structures, even among the same group of insects. One species of beetle may be solitary, large, dull colored, and aggressive, and another may be less territorial, smaller, and more colorful. Leafcutter ants harvest foliage to feed farms of fungi, other ants farm aphids like livestock.

Insectkin might find relief from species discomfort by dressing in clothing that mimics the color or texture of their kintype. Mimicry is very common in the insect world. An insectkin may enjoy painting patterns from their kintype's exoskeleton onto their own clothing, such as a jean jacket or vest. Mothkin may enjoy fluffy scarves or jackets.

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