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Takeru's dream

Damn it! It's hard to see with this wind and snow it's even hard to move and I can't see my who's attacking me I'm already losing blood so much so, where Setana? I must go to her she has to be save I must protect her

"Setsuna!" I yelled hopping to get an answer "Setsuna!"

I walked in the snow lifting my legs up and down it's hard to walk,there was so much snow...and it's so cold.

"Setsuna! Where are you?!" Why isn't she answering where is she?

What on earth is happening...

I ran in the woods full of snow it's hard to move

I suddenly see Setsuna lying in the snow the was blood on the snow as there was red roses in the snow I ran over to Setsuna ans held her "Setsuna! Can you hear me? You'll be alright! You big brother is here to protect you! What happened?!" I yelled she slowly opened her eyes seems like she got hit in the head and knocked her out


"Yes, yes it's me Setsuna. What happened?"

"Someone is here and they are here to kill us."

I Suddenly feel a hard pain and see my stomach bleeding I looked at Setsuna who looked shocked

"Taker! Takeru!"

Setana shook her brother who was staring into space while doing nothing "are you ok?" She asked

"O-oh yeah I'm fine! Just had a simple dream."

"What?" She said with a smirk on her face

"Y-yes! Wait. What's the smirk on your face?"

"Did you dream of you getting yelled by Yaga for destroying his car? You were sweating in your sleep and didn't look happy either."

If only he could tell her the truth he would but he couldn't bare to hurt his little by telling her oh! In my dream I died! And my dreams always come true so I'll die! How would Setsuna feel?

"What? No!" He laughed a force laugh he can't worry his sister "I dream of getting yelled by father!"

Setana laughed at his response "Father? Really?" She continued to laughed "Takeru. Who's more scary dad or Yaga" she asked while Takeru looked up to think "Is it that hard to answer?" He was thinking very hard for this both boy are scary for him..

"Hm...Yaga is scary when he yells especially with his curse technique and those dolls...not a memory I want to remember....but, father is also scary when he yells but,  worse then Yaga. And is very scary when he chases me after I made him mad" he said with a laugh "father is very fast when he runs so it's hard to run out him." He said"anyways let's get going. We're almost at the village."

Gojo Satoru- Gojo x oc -[i will never be a god]Where stories live. Discover now