Time to Leave

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 They couldn't actually remember how long it has been. It has been at least a few decades.The natural disasters have finally calmed down, but the human race is not what it was before all of this. No one actually knows how many are left in the world since they are not only spread in different places around the world, but the human race is also separated into factions. In their minds, it was a way to save themselves from what the world was doing. The world was closer to having millions of people instead of billions, but there is no way of really keeping track of the people of the world anymore.

One group retreated underground and created a whole new world, with tunnels and underground cities. It started as small cities in different parts of the underground, but then people wanted to see if they could connect those cities. The underground world grew from there. The cities held closer to the thousands, while the small towns were more in the low hundreds. The underground is referred to as Infra, and its inhabitants are called Moles. Over the decades, the moles gained new traits that humans never really had so that they could survive under the ground. The most important thing that they gained was night-vision. The other things they gained were stronger nails, sharper teeth and tougher skin. Their skin got paler from the lack of sun. The moles tended to have pale skin and darker hair, but it was not completely strange to have a dark-skinned or pale-haired person pop up.

The next group decided to stay on the surface, the surface is referred to as Terra, its inhabitants are Terrens. These humans did not have night-vision but if someone happened to say they had it, it was assumed that they started out as a Mole.They have tougher skin, sharper nails and teeth to help them with hunting and survival in general. When you come across a Terren, they tend to have tan skin with light brown or red hair. All the cities that were remembered were now covered by nature; the Terrens made new small towns working with nature, not getting rid of it. Meaning they created tree house type towns. No town was bigger than three hundred people so everyone knew everyone but they weren't afraid of travelers and gladly welcomed them because being a traveler as a Terren or Mole was common.

The last Faction was the people that decided they were going to try and live in the sky above all the natural disasters. They are called Aveons and live on Avalon., The interesting thing about Avalon, is it's not tethered to the earth, the cities are floating platforms that drift through the sky. Because of this, the humans that went up didn't change much, they have more lung capacity to deal with the thinner air. Their big change was a small disk that was inserted into their back and attached to their nerves. Out of this disk are wings that they can constantly change. They could even fold them away to the point where you can't see them and it just looks like two scars on their back. The wings can phase through clothes. The Aveons are into modifying their body so their looks are all over the place. Though most of the time they chose to have light hair and tan skin. Their cities held closer to a thousand.

Technology is not used the way it used to be. No leisurely watching tv or anything on the internet. The only things that it is really used for is living, so lighting, heating and cooling. Cell phones are only used for communicating, no games or anything like that. At least that is how it is with the Terrens and Moles. The Aveons used technology for a bit more leisure, but not too much.

The Moles and the Terrens interact with each other quite a lot and people will go back and forth between them since they are very similar in culture but the Aveons don't tend to come down to Terra. If they do come down to Terra it is for trading and pure curiosity. Most Aveons could not handle the lifestyle of the Terrens and Moles. It was rare to find someone that worked all three systems. It's not that there weren't people who could work all the systems, but they were rare.

The factions actually had a legend that went through all of them about a girl that knew each faction through and through. the girl looked so different to each faction. The Moles thought she had a black pixie cut with brown eyes and pale skin. The Terrens thought she had short brown hair and green eyes with tan skin. the Aveons thought she had long dirty blond hair and blue eyes. Surprisingly they all agreed on two things when it came to her looks: a blue rose cuff earring on her left ear and a blue and green feather that hung from her hair behind her right ear. The girl is known as "The Traveler", she doesn't actually have a name. She is the reason that travelers are very common in two of the factions. It's not that Aveons didn't accept travelers, it's that everyone could be considered a traveler because of the way the towns and cities were set up, floating around; you had to travel so much to get to them.

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