4-The fight

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I woke up very early this morning. I was excited to start this new life as soon as possible. I got out of bed and tried to make my way over to the desk. My legs were unsteady and it was hard to keep myself balanced. Once I had made it to my desk, I sat down on the chair and pulled out a list that Cirrus had written yesterday. It was stuff I'd do today.

First off, I would get dressed and call Cirrus or Aurora so we could go to breakfast where I'd meet everyone else. The rest of the day would just be settling in, learning stuff, and getting to know others.

I looked over to the closet. I got up from the chair and slowly walked over to the closet, opening one of the drawers. Inside it was the same uniform that Aurora had given me yesterday, but many more replicas. I took out one of the uniforms and put it on.

Once I had gotten dressed I walked over to the same cabinet that she had shown me yesterday; the one with the masks. I took out a black balaclava and the Prequelle mask. When I had put it on and I had gone back into my room, I looked around the room for my phone. I found it on the nightstand, charging. I unplugged it and called the number that went to Cirrus; she had written it on the list, as well as Aurora's number also.

«Hello?» Cirrus's voice called out through the room as I had her on speaker. «Hi, it's Reah. I looked at the list you left here yesterday.» She hummed in response before some rustling was heard. «It's 6 am, why are you awake so early?» I looked over at the clock on the nightstand. It was in fact 6 am. How did I not realize it was that early? «I guess I was just excited for today. Is- do I have to wait for hours or is there something I can do in the meantime?» I waited for her response. «You could go to the common room, I suppose some of the guys should be awake by now. It's quite close to your room, just walk left when you get outside your room, then right and you will see a staircase. Take that staircase down and walk around it on the right, that door leads to the ghoul common room» I had to grab a paper and a pencil to keep up with her instructions, but I managed. «Okay, got it. Will you meet me there when it's time for breakfast?» She hummed. I said goodbye and hung up the phone.

I put my boots on and went out into the hallway. I tried to follow Cirrus' instructions, but it was hard to comprehend since the hallways were much larger than I had thought. I managed to find the door she had been talking about and walked in. There were five male ghouls sitting around a coffee table, playing some sort of card game. I took a few steps closer.

«H-hello» All their heads turned towards me. «Hello there, who are you?» One of them spoke. «I'm Reah. I was uhm... found and saved, transformed I suppose. What are your names?» I looked around at their masked faces. Two of them were wearing Impera masks and the rest had Meliora masks. One of the ghouls in Impera masks stood up and walked over to me, reaching his hand out in a greeting; to which I gladly shook. «My name is Rain. The other guy wearing the same mask as me is Mountain.» I smiled under my mask. It helped when he made it clear who was talking. «Nice to meet you Rain, and you too Mountain.» I looked over to Mountain as I greeted him too, earning a nod back. Rain led me to the couch to sit between him and another ghoul that I yet had to find out the name. I turned my head to my left to look at him «I'm Alpha, nice to meet you Reah» He held his hand out to greet me, and i shook his hand. I looked over to the other couch where Mountain sat beside two other ghouls. The one in the middle reached his hand out over the table, stretching a bit. I shook his hand as he spoke. «Omega. This is Zephyr by the way» He motioned to the last ghoul. Zephyr reached his hand out to greet me as well, I gladly shook his hand as well. Mountain realized he was the only one who hadn't shaken my hand, and quickly reached his arm out when Zephyr let go of me. I looked at him confused for a second before shaking his hand too.

«Sorry, just felt weird to be the odd one out,» He said as he pulled back. «We're playing UNO if you wanna join?» Rain offered. «No, I think I'm good. I'll just watch.» He nodded and they started playing.

An hour had passed and Zephyr was on top of Mountain as Omega tried prying him off. Mountain had accused Zephyr of cheating and Zephyr got mad. Zephyr was clawing at Mountain as Mountain's tail was around Zephyr's throat in a desperate attempt to get him off. «GET OFF ME YOU PSYCHO!» Mountain snarled at him. «You're hurting each other! Just stop it!» I shouted and tried helping Omega. Rain and Alpha had left to go get Papa a while ago, but they still weren't back. Mountain managed to get Zephyr off and he desperately crawled backward against the wall to escape the wild ghoul. «You're crazy!» He shouted, earning a low growl from Zephyr. Papa stormed in, followed by Rain and Alpha. «What's going on here?!» Papa asked, his voice slightly raised. We all looked over at him and I explained the situation. Papa looked over at Zephyr who was looking more and more like a wild animal than a normal person. «Oh Satan, could it be...?» Papa trailed off, looking at the other Ghouls. «I-I think so, yes...» Rain answered as he looked at Zephyr with a slight frown.

I looked around at the ghouls, confused. "What does that mean? Is something gonna happen to Zephyr...?"

I'm back!!!! Finally! This took so long to write idk why 😭 I'm sorry...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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