Chapter 4: The Art of Awkward Small Talk

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-Nilly- 🥀

     No movement from either of the two on the ground.

     "Let go of me, I can defend myself," I brushed Aiden off and moved over on the tree branch.

     "No, you can't." He argued, his eyes never leaving the ground.

     I tsked and jumped upwards to a higher branch.

     Aiden ignored me. "Back the fuck up," he called down. "Any closer and we leave."

     "Great threat," I said, jumping higher.

     Actually, I thought, considering that they're both not making a move at the moment, I'd think there's a pretty good chance that we're wanted. Or at least, not an immediate threat.

     "And you, shut up."

     "Rude," I scoffed.

     "Now is not the time for your childish outbursts."

     "Childish?! I'm not childish!"

     "Whatever you say, sis."

     A few more moments of tense silence.

    Then Masky twitched. Caught off guard from the movement after such a long time of absolute stillness Aiden flinched and jumped to a branch behind him. I followed and jumped onto a branch a couple of feet above him.

     I heard a slight rustling noise behind me. I turned around so fast that I almost fell off the branch. I saw nothing. Just the leaves of the trees moving slightly in the wind. Turning back, I realized that I'd started to feel somewhat lightheaded.

     And then the world went black.

. . .

     I slowly opened my eyes, letting them adjust to the brightness of the lights. Wait, lights?

     I sat up, groaning at the too-quick movement.

     Aiden was at my side in an instant. "Nilly!"

     "Huh, what...?" My mind was still groggy.

     "You okay?"

     "I think so...?" I glanced around. We were in a small room with practically nothing in it but the couch I was sitting on.

     "Where- where are we?" I managed to stutter.

      "No idea." Aiden's hair was a mess, probably from him playing with it constantly, a nervous habit of his. "I woke up a little bit ago. No sign of Kage anywhere either. Door's locked. I could probably break the handle if I really wanted to, but considering we don't know where we are..."

     "It probably wouldn't be a good idea," I finished for him. "But it's our best option to find out where and what we are doing here."

     I walked over and studied the door handle. It wouldn't be too hard to break it off, therefore letting us out assuming there wasn't a barricade on the other side.

     "So... I think I can kick the handle off. I say we make a dramatic entrance."

     "Entrance to where?" Aiden sighed. "I vote on not being too loud. If we can get out of here without attracting too much attention I say we try."

     "Fine." I moved away from the door. "After you then."

     He took my spot. In less than five seconds the door swung silently open.

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