Indecision - Echo

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As Echo walked up the driveway of the Goetia palace he could hear a high pitched, squawking, screeching voice yelling at someone. The occasional crash and bang could also be heard and at one point a potted plant burst from one of the windows, crashing to the ground a few feet in front of Echo.

After a small pause of simply staring at the destroyed pot and soil, the mute stepped over the plant, making his way up the stairs to the palaces front door. As he got closer the voice got louder and he could make out some of the words being screamed. Disgrace, whore, imp-fucker.

Echo pushed aside his bewildered curiosity and knocked on one of the massive double doors. A few moments later it was opened by am imp dressed in a dress shirt and vest.

"May I help you?" The imp asked politely.

Echo connected his speakers. "Uh... my names Echo. I got an email-"

"Ah yes, of course. My apologies. Prince Stolas has been expecting you. Please allow me to show you to him."

The imp opened the door further, allowing Echo to step inside. Once he had, Echo was led down a series of hallways. There was plenty of plants spread throughout the palace, as well as what Echo would consider 'typical palace decor.' Stained glass windows. Large, elaborately framed portraits. Carved marble staircases. It was definitely a place where a prince would live.

As the two walked the screaming only got louder and louder. Echo wondered how this person still even had anything to say at this point.

After a minute or two of walking they arrived outside another set of doors. They were tall, a golden border on deep purple panels with gold handles. The imp knocked sharply on the door, before opening it and announcing, "A mister Echo to see you, your highness."

Walking in, Echo saw a well lit room. In the center was a desk, flanked on both sides by two curved staircases that rose up to a second floor. The handrails were also golden, and very ornate. The back wall was made almost entirely of yet more stained glass. But the thing that caught Echos eye the most was the elaborate and magical model of the solar system that acted as a chandelier.

When they had entered the room the screeching had stopped, but now started again. "Are you gonna fuck this one too!?! Well at least you're moving up, and its not just another imp."

It came from a tall bird demoness, her feathers were almost pure white, and she wore a white dress. And to Echo, the first impression she gave was that she was a massive bitch. It was probably a good thing that his scowl was hidden by his helmet. The demon seated at the desk, presumably Stolas, then shouted.

"Stella enough! That is my guest, here about a job opportunity. I don't care how much you insult or berate me, but you will not carry that behavior over to my guests. Now leave."

Stella huffed angrily, before stomping out of the room, glaring daggers at Echo as she passed him. After she had slammed the door to the study close, Stolas sighed, rubbing his temples to try and relieve some stress. He then looked to Echo and smiled.

"I'm sorry you had to see that. We have been going through... well I was going to say a rough patch, but if I'm being honest the entire marriage has felt like a rock slide. I am Prince Stolas of the Ars Goetia."

As the tall owl demon talked he stood from his desk and walked around to the front. He then gave an elaborate bow when he introduced himself.

"Bee was right. Super fancy pantsy and princey." Echo thought to himself. He then extended his arm for a hand shake.

"Echo. It's nice to meet you."

Stolas returned the shake. "Likewise. I must say I am rather glad you decided to stop by. As I said in my email, you have impressed me and I think you are the best option for the sort of... protection I require."

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