October 31st, 1981

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October 24th, 1981

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October 24th, 1981

I was at the Potters playing with baby Harry. In an hour and a half I would meet up with two other members of the Order for our next mission. Lily and James were in the next room talking with Peter. Over the past two years, James and Lily had bravely defied Voldemort three times, and it had been recommended by Professor Dumbledore to go into hiding by placing the Fidelius Charm over Godric's Hollow. At first James and Lily had decided to have Sirius be the secret keeper for the charm, but he had convinced them to make Peter the secret keeper. Sirius felt that Voldemort was on to him and that nobody would suspect Peter. Their voices drifted upstairs and I waved a rattle in front of Harry, who gurgled pleasantly. We played for a bit longer, but he was getting sleepy. I picked him up and carefully tucked him into his crib. I turned on the nighttime mobile and quietly left the room. I went downstairs to the living room. The conversation paused when I arrived and Lily got up to hug me. She and James walked me to the door.
"I'm being stationed near you on the 31st," I said.
"Stay safe," James said.


October 31st, 1981

The wristband pinched my arm and I looked down. There was an emergency and I was needed for back up. I grabbed my wand and apparated.

I appeared in an abandoned train yard. Sparks flashed back and forth and I tried to find the other members of the Order. I heard a maniacal laugh and I quickly threw up a shield just in time to block an attacking spell from the infamous Bellatrix Lestrange. I fired a striking spell, which she deftly blocked. We dueled back and forth. All around us other members of the Order fought Death Eaters. Bellatrix had me backed up against the edge of the tracks that paralleled a drop off to more tracks below. A boom shook the ground beneath us and I spread my feet out for balance. I risked a glance to my right and saw a member fall to the ground. The Death Eater turned to his next victim. I threw another strike spell at Bellatrix and reached up to press on the locket. As I blocked another spell I shouted, "Padfoot, come and rescue me!" Seconds later, Sirius appeared and joined the fray.
"Blood traitor!" I heard Bellatrix shriek. Another Death Eater joined the fight as well and it became two on two. Sirius cast a spell that launched the other Death Eater into the air. A movement to my left made me turn and Bellatrix took that moment to disarm me and threw a spell at Sirius that brought him to the ground. "Ha ha ha ha," she cackled. I searched around frantically for my wand.
"It's over cousin. Time to die!" She sang wickedly.
"No!" I screamed, rushing to Sirius. She hissed and shouted something incoherent. I felt something hard hit me and then I was falling. Down, down... The wind was knocked out of me and the world around me dimmed. I couldn't move and I focused on breathing in and out. A vague light flashed over me, then I felt my head lifted up.
"Renee! Renee, wake up!" Sirius brushed the hair from my face. I concentrated on his face, but it was fading.
"Sirius," I whispered.
"Renee, don't go! I'll figure something out. You're gonna be ok!" His voice shook and I used every ounce of strength I had left to reach my hand up to his face. His hand held mine tightly there and I could feel the tears running down.
"Sirius," my voice was barely there. "Sirius, I love you. Only... ever... you." And then the lights went out.


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