I Kept Hoping

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November 15th, 1979

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November 15th, 1979

"Spin her again James." Lily giggled and James twirled Lily's hand in his. I snapped another photo of the happy couple, laughing in front of a fountain. James felt that it was very important to capture this moment of bliss.

We ambled back to the Potters house, Godric's Hollow, for tea and biscuits. A neighbor was walking down the street and James ran to meet them. Lily hung back with me and strung her arm through mine.
"How are you?" She asked gently. We sat down on small bench.
"Outside I'm fine. But deep inside, I'm very hurt," I said. I didn't want to go into it more or I'd never stop crying. That was all I'd done every night for the past three months. She leaned her head back and stared at the sky. We heard James laugh at something and then Lily turned her head and smiled. "What is it?" I asked.
"We've known for some time..." she took a deep breath and said, "I'm pregnant." I grinned.
"That's wonderful! I'm so excited for you guys!" I pulled my best friend closer. "Do you think it's a boy or a girl?" I asked.
"A boy," she replied. "Definitely a boy."


February 18th, 1980

Tensions were running high in the Order. Remus spent lots of his time among You-Know-Who's werewolves as a spy. And Sirius was now convinced that he had joined the Dark Lords forces. I signed up for every mission, not caring who I was with. Just keep the Muggles safe and don't think about matters of the heart.


July 31st, 1980

I was sitting on my couch reading a book, when the phone rang on the wall and I ran to answer it.
"It's a boy!" James exclaimed in my ear. "And Lily's doing great."
"James, I'm so happy for you guys! Thanks for letting me know." I said.


September 29th, 1981

I got home late from a planning meeting and a training session for some of the new recruits with the Order. I lived in a small house near the coast of Essex. I closed the curtains and was making my way upstairs when a large dog in the form of a Patronous barked behind me. I started and turned around. I'd recognize him anywhere.
"You forgot the wristband Moody asked us to wear. Can I come by to drop it off?" The dog sat down and scratched its neck. I thought for a minute. It would be easy for me just to apparate back to the safe house we'd met at to retrieve the wristband, but part of me wanted to stay here and let him come drop it off.
"Ok," I said. Minutes later, I heard a knock on my door and I went to answer it. I opened the door and there was Sirius. I held the door open wider. "Come in," I said. He stepped in and I closed the door. I faced him and he handed me the wristband. Moody had suggested we all start wearing one, in the case that something were to happen in the field and we couldn't send our Patronous, the enchanted bracelet would alert the Order. It also functioned the other way, so the Order could send reinforcements. I looked at Sirius, who had wandered over to the wall leading to the kitchen, where I'd hung some framed pictures. It had been an almost two years since that night when he'd told me he couldn't marry me. Since then we had remained very distant and I only ever saw him if we were paired on a mission together. I had heard that he'd gone out with two other girls and even though they were short-lived, it had torn my heart to shreds. I wondered where his heart stood now. I walked over to see what picture he was looking at. I had hung a few up of my family, some with the Order, and some taken from when we were in school. There was a picture of Lily holding baby Harry, with James standing behind them, smiling and proud. Another had me, Remus, and Sylvia Norton at the final quidditch match in our sixth year. Sirius was looking at the far one on the left. My heart ached. That one was taken at the beginning of 1979. We had taken a group photo of the Order of the Phoenix and afterwards, we had gone to a tiny cafe for a late dinner. We had set up a picture and it was about to click when James threw water on Remus, and then we were all hooting in laughter over the water. Lily had her head thrown back in laughter, James had partly disappeared under the table, after throwing water on Remus, Remus was in the middle dripping, but laughing, Peter sat chuckling, Sirius had his arm draped around me and we had sat so close together that night. I swallowed and turned away. It was only a fond memory and nothing more.
"Renee." I didn't turn, but I felt his hand on my shoulder and then he tilted my face up to look at him. "Renee, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I left you like that. That was abandonment and I was immature." He paused and then continued in a whisper, "Renee, not a day goes by that I haven't regretted the way I acted." And here he stroked my cheek and let his fingers run down my hair. "I am here if you ever want me back. I love you." I reached up and pulled the chain on the locket he'd given me years ago. His eyes widened as he recognized it.
"I never took it off," I said. "I always secretly hoped you'd want me back again." I took his hand and put it over my heart. "I love you too."

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