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Grian is panicking, having just been grabbed by a Watcher. He tries to pull away, feeling his vision grow hazy as it starts to take control again. He holds his hand out, desperate for someone to grab it. He shuts his eyes tight, before he feels someone grab his hand...

He opened his eyes only to see a woman with white eyes, hair, and skin almost looking like an angel. He was being dragged away from the watcher and finally gained control of his body again.

"are you okay?" The mysterious woman asked.

"Yeah, thanks... wait. Who are you?"He glances over back towards the Watcher with a frown, before turning back to the woman.

She looked so angelic and had a calming felling all around her. "you don't need to worry now dear, i'll protect her" she said before running away.

Grian followed her, she had this very calm and safe feeling with her. despite the fact he didn't have the slightest idea of who this woman was...

the two were running from the watcher, but the watcher having wings he cached up fast. It almost grabbed grian but the mysterious woman moved grian out of the way faster.

"I wont let you have him again, you so called gods are a disgrace to the heavens"

He flinches slightly at her words, not expecting someone to say that in front of a watcher. However he seems to trust her, she also looked so angelic.

The watcher is now glaring, clearly annoyed by the woman. It appears to be reaching out to try and grab Grian, but he got blocked by her again. The woman looked to be getting angrier the second.

"get out of here before i call the heavenly principles"

she said to the watcher with a glare and pointing at it with a staff that just appeared in her hand.

The watcher doesn't appear impressed, and appears to ignore her threats. It continues to reach out towards Grian, causing the woman to jump into action again, blocking it with the staff, as she has been doing this whole time.

"i'm not joking, haven't your elders told you about the heavenly principles? you're so called 'stronger than the gods' are just fools to heaven now get out before i actually call them"

The Watcher, finally starting to realize that this lady wasn't joking, decides to run after realizing this. The woman, seeing him leave, finally turns back to Grian.

"you're okay now dear don't worry"

She said to grian with a warm smile.

"Thanks. Um... are you an angel?"

He is pretty damn sure this is an angel, but just likes to hear it from the lady herself.

"no dear i'm not, but i thank you for thinking i was one. May i know what made you wonder that?"

"I honestly don't know, just the way you look and how you're protecting me. It kind of felt... I don't know, like God was protecting me from it... or something like that."

He was slightly embarrassed at himself, and looked down to avoid contact with her eyes.

"no need to be embarrassed, i'm no angel but i'm a holy guardian"

she said while making her staff vanish.

grian was shocked to hear that he didn't quite know what an 'holy guardian' was but it sounded fascinating.

"could i know what an 'holy guardian' is?.."

"a holy guardian are basically angels that get chosen to protect a certain person, in my case you're the third person i protect."

Grian didn't know anything like this existed, he thought only angels and demons and gods existed.

"wow that's... amazing! um, I have a question, if that's ok?" Grian asked the woman.

"of course dear" she replied.

"Well, if there are two gods, is there a good god, and a bad god or something? Is that what keeps the balance?"

"there's a god that sends good humans to heaven and keeps an eye on everyone to see if anyone misbehave, while the other god does the same but in hell and keeps an eye to the once that regret their decision in their lives"

Grian was amazed to know this but he had one final question.

"And what happens to the once that regret their decision or are misbehaving?"

The woman looked at Grian smiling.

"Well dear they get rebirth so that the gods can remake their judgement"

"Really? That's so cool, do you know if I'll go to hell or heaven?"

Grian was genuinely curious about this, and a bit scared too.

"Mmh I'm sure my child you'll go to heaven you've done nothing wrong in you're life, but that's my judgement not the gods judgement"

He was happy to hear this even tho he knew she wasn't one of the two gods choosing where to put him.

"Well now dear I need you to choose between two options I'll give you."

The mysterious woman said.

"Do you wish for me to stay here with you as your sister and keep an eye on you, or do you prefer I'll go back to heaven and watch for you to know when you're in danger?"

Grian really wasn't expecting this and he also didn't know what to choose, he kinda wanted her to go back but at the same time having her around didn't seem that bad...

"Could you please stay?.."

"If that's what you wish then yes dear don't worry I'll stay"

As she said this her hair began to change colour and they were now waffle brown just like grian's, the same thing happened with her eyes and skin colour.

Now it really seemed like she was grian's real sister.

"Wow...that's wow not even words can describe how cool that is!"

Well you can say Grian was very amazed by this.

"I'm glad you think of it as cool, so you're names grian right?"

Grian nodded yes.

"Well then my name's Azrael"

"You're name is so pretty! Also how old are you?"

"I'm 19 in human years you're 22 if I'm not mistaken?"

"Yes, you're absolutely right!"

"Very well, then we can go home now. Right, big brother?"

1029 words hope you liked this first chapter

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