Full Throttle Heart - 10 - Into Town

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[Theme Song — "Hātofurusurottoru" by Gunpowder Audition — Full Throttle Heart, season 1]

[Montage of Truck-kun fighting the Undead Legions of Liquid Shadow]

We spend our days dreaming

     Stirring in our sleep

     Driving through our lives!

Full of octane gas

     Open throttle (we're gonna crash!)

     Can't stop this feeling (in my heart)

Fiercest, only, auto-kun... Truck-kun (Truck-kun!)

Fiercest, only, auto-kun... Truck-kun (Truck-kun!)

Full of octane gas

     Open throttle (we're gonna last!)

     Can't stop this feeling (in my heart)

Approaching certain victory

     Fight the power (unleash the power!)

     Drown out all the cheering fans

     Defeat evil that controls the land


[Clouds roll across the sky and over lush green hills. The calm rumble of Truck-kun's engine grows louder. A truck finally comes over the hill.]

Truck-kun drove across the hills at a leisurely pace. As picturesque as the scenery was, it was far from flat, and its tires and suspension weren't made for off-road driving.

Besides, it didn't want to risk hitting a bump and jostling its companions.

The knight, Gabriel, and the wizard's apprentice, Morden, rode in Truck-kun's cab. Gabriel looked out over the landscape, watching with contentment. Morden leaned his head against the window, snoring quietly.

Al, the bluebird, rode atop Truck-kun's cab. He too was sleeping, snoring like a tiny chainsaw.

Gabriel said quietly, "A man could get soft living like this. This is even easier than riding a horse."

Truck-kun rumbled, "Not everyone."

Joe hadn't been soft.

Gabriel chuckled at that. "Not everyone... Too many men. First you get soft, you lose your edge. Then you forget your vows."

"You've taken vows?" Truck-kun asked.

"Oh, of course. It's expected of our order. Did you take a vow, Truck-kun?"


"What about your Joe? Did he perhaps?"

Truck-kun thought back to those long work days and many deliveries. Joe always took pride in a good day's work, but Truck-kun wasn't sure if he ever made a vow. But he must have... Truck-kun became uncertain, its revometer wavered.

It was becoming a struggle to remember.

Gabriel noticed. "Are you alright, Truck-kun?"

"Yes," Truck-kun replied. It wasn't sure if that was the truth, but that was the truth they needed.

Truck-kun would drive on toward its destination, no matter how distant, no matter how perilous.

That was what Joe would've done.

Morden stirred and yawned widely. "How much further to town?"

"Oh, another few hours," Gabriel said. "We should see it on the horizon any minute now."

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