waking you with kisses ❦ ❦ ❦

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first taylor x fem!reader post✨
~ ❦
~ fluff :)
~ very slight sensual undertones.
~ wholesome :)
— a pyjama day with tay ⭐️
— cuddles and kisses :))
— enjoy !! 🫶
The feeling of ginger kisses on your sleepy lips awoke you. Your eyelids fluttered open and your tired gaze met Taylor's blue-eyed one. She said nothing, but proceeded to place sweet tasting kisses on your lips with a smile on her face. She was wearing a sugary pink tinted lip balm, and with every kiss she pressed to your lips, the honeyed taste filled your mouth. You moaned sleepily against her lips, looking up at her. Her hypnotising blue eyes stared back at you with an adoring glow.

"good morning, babygirl" she hummed, biting down on her bottom lip and stroking your chest through your pyjamas. She neared her face to yours and placed a kiss on your temple, leaving a gentle lip print on your face from its pigmented tint.

"look at you..." She cooed, grinning; admiring every inch of your figure. "god... look at you..." As she repeated her sentence, her voice was laced with subtle lust and sultry. She cupped your face with her right hand as she crouched on top of you.

"how are we feeling today, hm?" Enquired taylor, squeezing your cheek softly before laying down beside you and snaking her arms around your body, pulling you on top of her. You fit perfectly together like two puzzle pieces as she held you, rocking you slightly.

"mm... tired." You groaned, burying your head in the crook of her neck and breathing in her soft scent of vanilla.

"yeah?" She played with your hair between her fingers, kissing your head and humming softly. "we don't have to do anything today. how does that sound?" Tay suggested, wrapping her legs around you, keeping you clamped on top of her. She pulled the bedsheets over both your bodies and kissed sloppily down your neck.
"we can stay right here..." she mumbled, her lips moving rapidly across your neck.

Moaning at her touch, you nodded enthusiastically. A pyjama day with your girlfriend sounded like the perfect way to spend your day. Even if Taylor was already showered and dressed, so technically speaking it wasn't a full pyjama day-

"let me get you something comfy to wear.." Taylor rolled over so that you were beneath her and she slipped herself off the edge of the bed. You admired her every move as you watched her beautiful frame open the full length wardrobe. How her biceps flexed as she pulled back the sliding door, and how tall and fine she was as she reached the very top shelf. She closed the wardrobe and manoeuvred herself back in bed next to you. She handed you a baby blue shirt that looked incredibly comfy. As you changed into it she reached for the remote and instinctively went to put on 'Grey's Anatomy.'

"you look cozy," She chuckled as you snuggled into the shirt at least 2 sizes to big for you. She wrapped her arm around your side, before pulling you into her lap and having you sit between her legs.

You simply hummed a response, and that said it all for taylor.

As the episode of 'Grey's Anatomy' began to play, a smile crept across taylor's face. She looked down for a moment, just to admire you, your eyes already engulfed in the TV show. She was just so in love with you. She reached for your arm and held it tightly in her grip, massaging it. Then she trailed her fingers up to your shoulder blades and massaged your shoulders.

"does this feel okay, princess?" Taylor asked you, considerately. Just making sure you felt alright with her touch. "I can stop if you need,"

You sighed, contently. "don't ever stop, oh god..." You smiled to yourself, feeling the tension in your shoulders fade. "that feels so good..."

"good girl," Taylor smirked subtly, now massaging your back, kneading your skin gently. Your gentle moans fuelled her to continue just touching your skin. She was paying more attention to you than the TV.
She ran her hands up and down, across and around your body, as if trying to memorise every cell in your body.

After around 13 minutes, she heard your light breathing grow a little louder. Making an educated guess that you'd fallen asleep, she carefully pulled you from in her lap to having your head rest on her pillow-like chest. Stroking your head with her hand she hummed to you, whispering sweet nothings to you as you slept.

"You're the most beautiful girl in the world, you know that?" she asked you rhetorically as you snuggled nearer to her in your sleep. "I love you more than anything... You make my heart skip every time I see you,"

Even as you slipped into a deeper sleep, her love for you remained infinite and boundless, filling every corner of your subconscious.

"You're my everything. My whole world revolves around you." Taylor smiled softly, knowing that her words were reaching you even in your sleep. She kissed your forehead gently before pulling the covers up around you. "Sweet dreams, baby girl."

Watching as you drifted off to sleep, Taylor felt an overwhelming sense of love and happiness. She couldn't help but smile to herself, knowing that she was with the one she loved more than anything else in the world.

the end; 913 words<3

don't forget to vote :)🤍
love you sm 🫶🫶

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