carolina :) ❦ ❦

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~ kisses ^^
~ cuddles ^^
~ reassuring (taylor receiving<3)
— • 💌💌 • — • 💌💌 • —

i hope youre having an amazing morning, day, afternoon, evening or night!! 🫶🫶
stay hydrated and remember to eat, my loves!!! 🎀


"y/n!" Taylor called from the living room. She was wearing a cozy white jumper and black jeans. Her hair was in two, messy, plaited buns, with her golden, wispy, curly bangs framing the front of her face. In her hands was her dainty acoustic guitar and she was strumming a looped set of chords. She glanced up from her guitar and saw her beautiful girlfriend striding from the open plan kitchen towards the living room.

Her heart began to skip as you locked eyes and she almost forgot that she was holding her guitar as it slowly began to slip out of her grip. Her breath caught in her throat as she simply marvelled at you; she then cleared her throat and chuckled nervously. "sorry.." She breathed, the air now returning to her lungs as a small smile crept across her face.

"come sit with me, babe. I wanna play you something..." She patted the spot beside her on the floor, and you sat right up beside her, your thighs touching. She trailed her finger up and down your thighs gently before moving her fingers to the guitar frets. She counted herself in by tapping on the guitar, "1, 2, 3, 4," and then began playing a set of looped chords...

After a while, Taylor turned to her girlfriend, entranced by her fingers moving so slickly across the guitar. "I need a four syllable name... I've got lyrics in my mind but i need a name to go with it..." she looked at her girlfriend hopefully, praying she'd come to rescue as she always did..

"Do we have a gender we need for this name, baby?" You murmured, still so hypnotised by how sexy, veiny and beautiful Taylor's fingers  i looked as the danced across the guitar...

"A girl's name would be nice..." Taylor replied, add-libbing a little, changing the chords and a little to a different, higher key, then bringing it back down to the original one. "Something...vintage,"

"Evangeline?" You suggested, looking into taylor's eyes. You met one another's gaze before her eyes flickered back down to the guitar. She mumbled the lyrics incoherently, biting her lips. She then mumbled something to herself, making a mental note of something...

"...another one, baby?" She asked with an innocent, sweet smile and shiny blue eyes.

"ummm... Felicity?" You giggled at the fact that the only names you could come up with seemed to be of no help. "sorry, i don't really think im helping..."

Even whilst playing guitar, Tay leaned towards your cheek to kiss you. "baby you're doing amazing for me, yeah? Just keep flinging names at me, this helps, i promise it does..."

Taylor strummed the guitar softer, creating a relaxing ambience and a background noise for thinking...

"Cordelia?" You asked, meeting her gaze and her smile grew... "I can feel it... we're close I can feel it, honey." She stopped strumming the guitar and wrapped an arm round your waist. As if by magic, the pair of you synced like fucking bluetooth devices.


"you beautiful little genius..." she gasped, then beamed down at you, peppering your face in affectionate kisses, nuzzles and soft squishes. "you beautiful fucking genius!!" She pulled you tightly into her arms with such affection and love she almost choked you with it. She didn't seem like she had the intention of letting you slip away anytime soon.

"I love you, I love you, I LOVE you, y/n<3" Taylor cooed, rocking you in her arms and the prettiest grin was set across her face. Her blue eyes shone like diamonds and her heart thumped in time with yours. She couldn't stop smiling. She smiled until her cheeks were sore, and smiled even more after that. "oh y/n, my angel... you lyrical genius."

"Baby! I came up with one name! I'm not a lyrical genius in the slightest," You giggled into her shoulder as she ruffled your hair.

"you are to me, princess." She kissed your hair and set her guitar down, then pulled you into her lap. She nuzzled your neck, before kissing the top of your head.
"can i sing you the lyrics i have for this song...?"

You nodded enthusiastically, squeezing her arm and gazing up at her. "I'd love to hear it, darling," You replied, your eyes shimmering eagerly.

She chuckled softly, glancing down at you for a moment, taking in your beauty. 'I lucked out..' she thought to herself, taking in how invested you were in her music. In her career. And even in such hard times for a music artist, considering it was lockdown, you supported her every step of the way. And she loved that about you.

• —💌💌— •• —💌💌— •• —💌💌— •

"Oh, Carolina creeks
Running through my veins
Lost I was born, lonesome I came
Lonesome I'll always stay
Carolina knows
Why for years I roam
Free as these birds, light as whispers
Carolina knows"

— feel free to listen to the rest before continuing, it adds to the atmosphere<3

She sang the final line of the song and glanced down towards you, nestled comfortably into her lap. "I..I know it's not the kind of music I usually make, I just, um, its for a film, I..." She trailed off, seemingly nervous.

"Can you sing that again?" You manoeuvred yourself from her lap to beside her on the cushions on the floor and handed her the guitar. "W-with the guitar? I-I mean I- That was so pretty," You gazed at her, starstruck. "You're so incredibly talented, Tay. That was so beautiful, baby..."

She furrowed her eyebrows and her soft, pink lips parted slightly. "S-So you liked it?" She breathed, her diamond blue eyes widened a little. "I didn't think..." She trailed off again, then attempted to rephrase her sentence. "I didn't know..." She ran her fingers through her golden curls of hair. "You're not just saying that?" She asked, a little frantically.

"No??" You chuckled, placing a tender kiss on her nose. "Baby, this song is so pretty. it's mysterious, it's quiet, and that's what i like about it..."

Taylor's soft gaze met yours and suddenly her body was flooded with your reassurance. She reached for you hand and squeezed it.

"Thanks for coming on this journey with me, my love," she whispered, "Y-You know just... slinking around all these different genres. And you supporting me, and allowing me to do that."

You opened your mouth to speak but before you could finish your sentence, you found your lips captured in a kiss you wish could've lasted centuries.

"i love you, y/n," she whispered against your lips.

"i love you too, tay<3"

you've just read 1171 words!!
i'm proud of you, and i love you<3

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