lovertation cuddles (requested)

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For this oneshot, you're lover 💗🖤
I'm working on 3 different books, several onehots and studying for my school exams that im gonna fail and end up grounded for so forgive me if i haven't gotten round to your requests yet, but feel free to suggest some more<3

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I'm working on a drunk Taylor oneshot which is going to be complete and utter comedy with romantic undertones for all you hopeless romantics out there;

Next I'm working on 1 of 2 really angsty ones, and I need suggestions for something cute because when I listen to music (I mainly listen to sad music) and end up writing sad books;


this was so fun to write i cant evenn
(after a bit of writers block 😋)

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Rep and Lover spent a tranquil day together. Rep had prepared a special romantic date. A soft blanket was draped upon two chairs creating a cosy pillow fort in front of their 50 inch television, playing a romantic comedy.

The Owl House<3
(thats their idea of a romantic comedy 💌)

Rep served them a delectable spread of chocolate covered strawberries, hazelnut chocolate, pretzel sticks with a selection of dips, ice cream with brownies in the mix, and so much more, all laid out on black and pink napkins upon gold and silver metallic plates.

"of course you don't have to eat all of it, if you don't want to, but i did make sure to buy some of your favourite foods so that i could be sure you'd definitely eaten something today," Rep looked at you and brushed some of your hair from your face before kissing your lips gently.

You giggled nervously, cheeks flushing an adorable shade of crimson. Your heart was racing and it was evident on your face. Your lips parted to speak and your voice was soft and sweet. "thank you, reppy,"

You were sat, looking up at Rep, on her lap her thick thighs keeping you in place, as you watched The Owl House together. Rep smiled softly and ran her fingers lovingly through your soft, wavy hair, whispering sweet nothings into your ear. Rep pulled you closer, nuzzling your neck.

"you know, Lover, I had imagined this. But I had imagined it all wrong. You are far more beautiful in this real moment than in my fantasies." Rep mumbled against your earlobe, nibbling on it gently, after speaking.

Rep placed her hands on your hips and manoeuvred you to straddle her thighs so that she could have your lips meet in a soft but passionate kiss, igniting a fire within you that burned hotter with each passing second. The love you shared was palpable, and it showed in every tender touch and loving glance.

"You're my Amity," Rep murmured against your soft, pink lips and brushed your hair from your face again to kiss your forehead.

You definitely saw yourself in Amity. Specifically s2 Amity for one reason or another.

"You're my Luz," You replied, tapping her softly on the nose causing it to scrunch with a sweet smile.

You gazed up into Rep's electric blue eyes and bit down on your bottom lip in attempt to hide your silly little smile, which only made her fall both hopelessly and impossibly more in love with you.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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