Kisses #28

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{Kisses #28}

You keep a prompt smile upon your face while making breakfast for your boyfriend Niall and yourself. Today you had it all planned out. A wonderful big breakfast followed along with a relaxing shower and a good day out. Ever since Niall got off tour you've wanted to spend a good amount of time with him to make up the missed time. You even planned a picnic in the park today, maybe even catch a movie after some other activities.

Harry even helped you plan a dinner for tonight. He said he'd cook and bring it over right before the two of you got home from spending the day together. It was to be perfect and Niall didn't know anything about it. You'd think it would be better a surprise.

"Hey babe."

If possible your smile grew even larger. "Niall." you breath out placing the fork you were currently cooking with down. You turn in one swift motion latching your arms around his neck. His hands fly to your waist. He smiles brightly. "You didn't have to make all this." He gestures to the food. You shrug looking back. "I wanted to. Besides, I wanted to do something nice for my boyfriend." You say inching your face closer towards Niall's.

"Is that so?"

"It is." you say placing a passionate kiss on Niall's plump lips. You loved kissing him. it was like a thousand fireworks going off at the same time, beautiful. Your lips move together, neither of you willing to let go, but the smell of burning bacon makes you break from the kiss. "Babe." Niall whines as you turn back to cooking.

You chuckle lightly. "As much as I would like to just stand here and kiss you, which is a whole lot, I can't because I have things to do today." You say smirking to yourself. You feel Niall's warm arms wrap around your waist from beside, his warm breath fans your neck. "I love you."

"I love you more." You say smiling. Niall kisses your neck making you shiver. "So, what's this 'things' you have to do?" Niall asks. You think for a moment, "Nothing that's important." It was a lie, the whole day was important. It'd be the one good day you've both spent together since Nialls gotten back.

"Ah." He says releasing you from his grip and peering at the food.


About ten minutes later the food is done, much to Niall's protests you make his plate and your own. "Bon appetite." You say placing down Niall's plate in front of him. He smiles brightly back. "You didn't have to." He mumbles. You smile, "It was my pleasure. So eat up." You sit on the couch with him curling into his side. He throws his arm that he's not using over your shoulder pulling you closer.

He kisses your head before he begins to eat. You grab the remote from the place next to you and turn on the TV. You begin to dig into the breakfast while enjoying an episode of batman.


"That was great. But let me cook next time." Niall says wrapping two arms around your waist pulling you down into the couch with him. You raise an eyebrow. "Ok, we'll call Harry over to make us food." He admits. You laugh thinking about the meal Harry is suppose to bring over.

This was going to be a perfect day, you knew it. Niall stares at you smiling like an idiot. "What?" You question staring right back into Niall's ocean blue eyes. He waits before answering, "Nothing, just thinking about how beautiful you look. And how lucky I am to have you."

You smile widely, you place your lips upon Niall's. Your lips move together neither of you willing to break apart too afraid the moment would fade away. You loved it when you had alone time with Niall. Reluctantly you pulled away. To remind yourself of the great day coming you glanced out the window, only to be let down. Rain poured down heavily.

In an instant you jumped away from Niall and to the window to peer out, storm clouds aline the sky. "No, no, no." You whisper heading to the coat rack where your boots and jacket are. "Whoa babe," Niall grabs your wrist turning you around. "What are you doing? It's going to be pouring today. You'll get a cold."

You shake your head already fed up with the weather. "You don't understand, it can't rain today." You say attempting to pull your wrist back, but Niall being a guy and all he was stronger than you. "Hey, tell me." Niall pulls you to the couch away from the door.

"It was a surprise." You whisper looking down at your lap, "What are you talking about?" Niall asks with worry filled eyes, you look up to him. "You just got back, so I wanted to surprise you with a special day." You say feeling sad. The day was ruined, and this was because you hadn't checked the weather.

"What?" Niall inched even closer to you. "I planned this whole thing for you, but I ruined it. I should have checked the weather." You sigh. You felt terrible that you couldn't follow through with the plans. "Y/N." Niall grabs your face making you look at him. "Nothing could ruin this day. I just spent the day with my amazing girlfriend. What else could I ask for?"

You gave him a half smile, "Yeah, but it could have been better. We could have gone out and done something." You say.

"Yeah I guess we could have,"

His words ping at your heart, even he felt let down.

"But why would I want to go out when I could just kiss my girlfriend all day?"

Niall leans down to meet your lips. Amazing feeling explode in your belly just like every time you kissed Niall. Niall's lips reluctantly detached from your lips sooner then you'd liked, "You know. I much rather kiss my girlfriend then go out anyway." With that he reattached your lips once more letting them move in sync. Your lips felt as if you had sparks shooting out, but which there were of coarse not.

Niall's lips move from you lips down to your neck just hitting your sweet spot. A silent moan escaped your lips. "Knock knock, I brought what you asked for Y/N. So," Harry abruptly stopped when he caught sight of you two. "Oh my god!" He yells while covering his eyes. 

A blush creeps on your face while you shove your face into Niall's neck. "Get a room please."

"Well mate, if you haven't noticed your in our house. This is our room." Niall holds your waist giving you a reassuring squeeze. "Remind me never to just walk in again."


Yay!!!!! Update!!!! Whoooooaaaaaaa. So this is what I've been working on. That preference was shit guys and I'm sorry, I know I probably have lost all of you by now, really I'm a sucky author. Anyway, want to know something about Ol' Haley here? No? Well to bad kiddos. I started freshman year a few weeks ago, it's ok I suppose. Eh, I'm not that interesting. Anyway leave a comment and vote and let me know what you wanna see next ;D till next time

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