New years #33

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{New years #33}


You silently sipped the cup of liquid that was in your hand. Tonight had to be the worse. Your boyfriend Niall dragged you to a party and then left. He said he'd be back, but that seemed like ages ago. All you wanted to do was cuddle in bed with Niall watching a movie and the ball drop. But no. You get stuck with a crowd of sweaty teens, which of all were drunk.

Just great.

You watched in the direction where Niall had went. You still had a little hope he was coming back. Smoke filled the air causing you to cough. You glanced over into the direction of the one and only Zayn Malik. He was the schools biggest bad boy, he irritated you. You gave him a glare before taking an even bigger sip from the red solo cup. At this rate you needed it.

"Oh c'mon Y/N don't be a prude." Zayn smirked. Everyone around him gave a chuckle. You ignored him in attempt of him leaving you alone, but you were wrong. "Y/N." Zayn was now right next to you already dragging you away. You grumbled shoving him off, but his grip was stronger. You both ended in front the the ping pong ball table, it was already set up for beer pong.

"No way." You argued stepping away, you were just ready to go. "Why not? It's not like lover boys here. Where is he anyway? Wouldn't he want to spend New Years with you?" He was right. And you hated it. If Niall actually wanted to spend New Years with you he wouldn't have left, you couldn't deny the fact that Zayn was right. The question still stood, why not? What was holding you back from having a night to treat yourself? What harm could come from a simple game of beer pong?

"You know what?" You said staring straight ahead, Zayn hummed a 'mhm?'

"Let's do this."


"Whoa Y/N taking that seventh beer like a champ." Zayn patted your back as you drown the seventh beer of the night. There was no lying, you were drunk. But it didn't seem to be enough, no matter how much you drunk Niall kept Making his way into your head again only making you want to drink more. You probably should have stopped at four when you felt tipsy, but you couldn't.

"Again let's go." You said picking up the ball and tossing it over to the other side ringing a cup. You fist pumped the air. The boy in the other end, Harry, took in his third beer of the night. Your aim wasn't so great, but his seemed incredible. "Good job!" Zayn smiled at you. You smiled back just glad you made it.

"Y/N? There you are. I was searching for you. This crowd is horrible." Niall emerged from the crowd. Your stomach soured at the sight, you didn't believe he searched for you. If he had wouldn't he had found you? "Go away Niall." You mumble with a small hiccup in the middle. "Are you drunk?" Niall stepped closer. You turned to face him, "N-No." You argue barely able to keep focus on his face.

"Oh my god you are. Y/N we're leaving now. C'mon." Niall reached out to grab your arm. You shoved him off. "No I'm n-not. I'm playing a g-game." You hardly got through the sentence. You didn't know if it was the alcohol or just Niall making you angry, but you were upset. "Your drunk and now thinking straight. Let's go."

"Aye. The girl wants to stay. She was having a good time before you decided to show up." Zayn blew smoke in Niall's face making him cough. Niall gasped. "Y/N why are you hanging out with him? I thought you hated him." Niall gestured to Zayn giving him a glare. You just sighed and signaled Harry to throw the ball. "Get the hint?" Zayn gestured to you. Harry sat there not willing to throw the ball, but instead staring straight at Niall.

"Shut up man." Niall bulked up at Zayn. You knew where this was leading and you had to stop it. There was no denying the fact you had to talk to him. "It's fine." You gritted grabbing onto Niall's sleeve. "I-I'm going to get g-going." You stumble. You had to get sober once again.

"You sure?" Zayn asked staring at you. Although staying for another- hell even more- round of beer pong sounded good, you had to go. You simply nodded pulling Niall towards the kitchen. He followed along without a word. You quickly made a glass of water in attempt to get sober. "Are you ok?" He questioned after a minute or so. Without a word you continued to sip the water. "Y/N, he didn't hurt you did he? I'm so sorry-"

"Where were you?"

You asked the question that had been lingering on your mind the whole night. "What?"

You looked up at him," You heard me. Where were you?" Niall seemed taken back, but answered none less, "I was in the bathroom-"

"Bull shit."


"Bull shit Niall. I waited hours for you. No one has to use it that long. So the question stands, where were you?" You deadpanned. "Y/N, I'm sorry but I can't tell you."

You let an angry chuckle escape your lips, "You bring me to a party, promise me that you'll be with me, then leave. You leave to god knows where, leaving me with a bunch of sweaty teens for New Years. And you can't tell me? What kind of trust is this? I thought we were supposed to tell each other everything." You said a lot louder then intended.

"Look, trust me it wasn't anything bad, if anything you'll like it." Niall tried to assure you, but you were done. "Oh I bet." You sighed. "I don't see why you get to be angry, you left to be with Zayn. Shouldn't I get the right to be mad? You go and get drunk with that ass-"

"Zayn can be an ass, but he was willing to spend his New Years with me. And you were gone. So don't bring him into this." You yelled. You had been pushed beyond your breaking point. "Y/N why can't you just trust me?" Niall yelled back. Your eyes widened. "Cause you make it hard." You yelled back. Niall looked shocked.

You felt sympathy for him, but you couldn't let this go. Not this time. "I think I'm just gonna go." You said placing the cup down. "Your not driving drunk." Niall said. "I'm capable of walking though." You argued. "Yeah and someone is capable of kidnapping you. Get in the car."


Niall helped you in the house, your parents were both out for the night. "Thanks." You mumbled. Niall nodded. You looked at the clock that was on the wall, it read '11:48'. Twelve minutes until the new year. Niall handed you two pills and a cup with you guessed water. "Go ahead. You'll have a killer headache."

You quickly took the pills. "Y/N, I really am sorry for leaving you." Niall spoke breaking the silence. You sighed. "I'm sorry I snapped." You mumbled.

"I love you Y/N, never forget that." Niall said pulling you to him. You let him, you were tired of being mad. You just wanted your Ni. "I know, I love you." You hugged Niall tightly. You stood there in each other's arms for a good bit before Niall pulled away, "Happy New year." You looked back at the clock that indeed showed it was the new year.

Niall pulled out an box from his coat. "I hope you'll understand now." He opened the box that held a heart shaped locket. He flipped it over, on the back it had yours Niall's initials. "Niall.." You trailed off stunned by the gift. He laughed lightly before clasping if around your neck. "I had to pick it up. I'm sorry I left you."

"Niall, thank you. I'm so sorry I didn't believe you. What can I do to make it up?" You asked staring at the necklace. It was absolutely wonderful. "Kiss me?"

And with that you latched your lips with Niall's, a wonderful start for a wonderful beginning of 2016.


Ok, so this was late. I know, New Years has passed but I've been busy. My dear cousin passed away on New Year's Eve, and well it was hard. The funeral was yesterday so I took some time out. I hope you understand ;D oh and I hope you like the new cover it was made by @dcsquad

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