Picking a pet and surprises #17

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{Picking a pet and surprises}

You and Niall decided to get a pet since when Niall's gone you miss him so much, your lonely at times and not always can your friends come over.

"What do we want ?" Niall looks up after pulling into the driveway of the pound. You shrug. "I think we'll know when we see it." You say smiling and get out, Niall does the same. He comes to you and grabs your hand, you walk into the pound.

"The animals are this way." The guard says leading you guys to the way, you nod as he leaves. "Where do we start?" You say, he points towards the kittens and puppies. You smile and hop alongside Niall as you head that way.


It's been an hour and you've still haven't found the 'one'. You've went though the puppies and kittens and now you've just got done looking at the dogs. "How about the cats?" Niall suggests, you sigh but nods and take off there. Once there you set your eyes upon and gray cat, it's a little fluffy, but absolutely adorable. You rush to the cage.

"Pleaseeee?!" You give him your best puppy eyes, the cat from the cage purrs and rubs against your fingers which are on the cage. "You sure, a cat? They don't really do much." He says. "Sure, it's gonna do something I mean it may be a cat but it's a lovable cat I tell you." You smile and turn to the cage, there's a sticker on it which makes you curious so you read it.

"But Y/N, who's gonna protect you while I'm gone? I couldn't live with myself if I caused something bad to happen to you." Niall crouches down to the cage which your at, since you didn't answer he placed a hand on you shoulder. "Y/N?"

"Niall." You croaked. You turn to him probably with glossy eyes. "What's wrong?" He worries. " Their gonna put him down today at 3." You point to the sticker you previously read. He also reads it then looks back to you. "They had a good reason." You look back to the cat in the cage. It said that he's deaf. No one wanted a cat who couldn't hear not even little kids.

"Niall I want him." You say wiping a tear that happens to fall, you don't understand why, but you get emotional at times.

"Ok, let's go get his papers."

*A month later*

Niall's been off to tour for a month now and you've had your cat which you and Niall named him Leo, which his nephew Theo seems to love, every time Greg brings him over they play together. Even if Leo can't hear. "Come on buddy let's go see daddy." You say to the purring cat that you've came to adore. Knowing he can't hear you you pick him up and go to your computer.

Leo curls up on you and watches the screen, he may not be able to hear anything, but he seems to understand certain things. He loves Niall, but when he's gone Leo decides to curl up to you.

You turn the computer on and click video chat. Soon there's a incoming call. "Look Leo." You say smiling and click answer. The cat in your lap perks up at the site of Niall. "Hey boy!" Niall smiles, Leo jumps up and rubs against the computer. A smile appears on your face. But you have news to tell Niall, you just found out today. "Niall." You say smiling. He looks to you. "The vet says there's a therapy for Leo, he may be able to hear again." You say, Niall's eyes widen, the cat looks to you as if he knows.

"They said it's a 50/50 chance on working, but if their successful he can hear and be normal again." You pet the kitty, he purrs from your touch.

"Let's do it." Niall grins wider then ever. Your two favorite boys are here, and you don't wanna let them go. Maybe even bring another into the family.


Haiiiiii guyssss. Of coarse I had to update on Christmas, I might make a Christmas one, but anyway we got a little over 5k reads!!! I'm so happy, when I made my book it was just because I was inspired, when I started Wattpad I was absolutely terrible, I couldn't do anything at all. My things were bad and everything.

I've came far now. Well I hope everyone has a merry Christmas and a happy new, bye guys.

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