Cooking, piano, nicknames and sickness ❤️‍🩹

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Disclaimer: this is not my book, this book is from A03. It's called 4 times Tony stark was like his mom by LilacSoulw .I will take this book down if asked to.

1. Cooking

Tony was just about to start making dinner, when the elevator dinged. Peter was home a little later than usual, due to decathlon practice. "Hey kiddo." Tony greeted Peter as he stepped out of the elevator. "Hey mr.stark." Peter said, sitting his backpack down, and taking a seat down at the island. Tony turned to look at him, he looked frustrated and upset.

"What's wrong miele?" Tony asked, sounding concerned. Peter hesitated. "Nothing, Mr.Stark. Just had a rough day at school, is all." Peter shrugged. "Do you wanna talk about it?" Tony asked softly. Peter took a deep breath, "it's just, Ned was out sick today, and MJ had a family trip out of state, so she wasn't there either. Flash was feeling extra mean today, and I was late to my Spanish class, and-" Peter rambled, talking a mile a minute. Tony cut him off.

"Hey, hey, hey, it's ok kiddo. Your home now." Tony said gently as he hugged peter. They stayed like that for a minute, just hugging each other. Tony pulled away, and cupped Peter's face in one hand. "Do you wanna help me make dinner?" Tony asked. Peter beamed. "I'd love to, Mr Stark!" Tony smiled, and ran his hand through Peter's curls, smiling more as Peter leaned into the touch.

They walked over to the counter, and Tony turned to Peter, "how would you like me to teach you one of my mother's recipes?" Tony asked, smiling gently. Peter's eyes lit up, and he beamed at Tony again. "I would be honored!" He said, before drooping slightly. "I mean if that's ok, uh, i-i mean, that's pretty personal and-" Tony cut him off again.

"She would love for her grandson to have learned one of her recipes." Tony said softly. Peter blushed slightly, but his eyes lit up. Tony had just basically called him his son! "Oh, uh, I would love to, Mr Stark. Thank you." Peter said genuinely. "Of course, bambino." Tony said as he pressed a gentle kiss to Peter's curls.

They started cooking some sort of pasta. It smelled amazing, and Peter was having an amazing time cooking with his da-mentor! Tony was having a great time teaching his kid, his mother's famous recipe, that he used to love. His mother always made it when he was upset, and he loved helping her with it.
She always knew how to cheer him up.

They made the pasta, and sat at the table together.Peter took a bite and his eyes widened, "this is amazing Mr Stark!" Peter beamed at him. Tony chuckled, "I used to love it when I was a kid. My mom would always make it for me when 1 was upset, so I thought I'd do the same for my kid." Tonysmiled, as he took a bite. Peter beamed once again. "Thank you Mr Stark. For everything. I had alot of fun cooking with you." Peter said sheepishly. Tony just smiled at him, and the two continued talking as they ate.

2. Piano

Tony was up late, as usual. He was scrolling through his emails, on the couch, when he heard soft footsteps approaching. He looked up from his Starkpad, and saw Peter tiredly staring at him. "What are you doing up at 11 at night? It past bedtime for spider babies." Tony said softly. Peter looked at the ground, "sorry, I didn't know you'd be awake." Peter said, voice barely above a whisper.

"Come here, Miele." Tony said, as he set his Starkpad down on the coffee table, and gestured to the spot next to him. Peter shuffled over, and sat down. "Now, what's up? Why aren't you sleeping?" Tony asked. Peter looked down sadly, "sorry. I couldn't sleep." Peter mumbled.

"You don't need to be sorry, kiddo, I just needed to make sure you're ok." Tony said. Tony wrapped an arm around him, before settling back into the couch. He debated what to do for a moment, before he saw the old grand piano up against the wall, he got an idea.

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