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I don't think this, at least I hope it doesn't, REALLY counts as smut but it gets kinda close, so be warned. These guys are built like Ken Dolls to me though and wieners scare the hell out of me so none of that. This was originally meant to be a fluff piece but I ran out of ideas and it escalated from there I am so sorry. I also refuse to proofread this OR send it to anyone to proofread so we die like men I guess.

     The gentle, orange, and yellow rays from the now rising sun gleamed through the window blinds and onto the white-sheeted bed. The wind outside swayed a tree, the shadow dancing slowly around the otherwise still room. The rustle of said tree's leaves and the gentle snore of the Bullmastiff, Clover, sleeping on the ground by the bed were the only sounds that could be heard.

     Johnny Ghost was awake. Barely, but still. He was in that sort of in-between where your body feels like it's floating. His eyes were closed and his muscles were relaxed. He was engulfed in the calming warmth of not only the blanket around him but also the body of his loving boyfriend Johnny Toast, who was sleeping behind him, pressing against him. Toast's arms were wrapped around Ghost's midsection, and his face rested against the back of Ghost's shoulder. Ghost had one of his hands resting on top of Toast's, and the other one under his head.

     It was not long before the peace was interrupted. Ghost was grounded by the oh-so-familiar sound of Toast's morning alarm. He opened his eyes as he felt the other shuffling behind him and lifting the arm he had on top of Ghost to reach over to his phone. Ghost rotated himself to face Toast just in time to see him hit the snooze button. Ghost furrowed his brow as Toast set the phone back down and moved back onto his side, their eyes meeting. Toast smiled softly, pulling the other closer. It was incredibly rare for him to not get up immediately, not that Ghost was complaining. He wrapped his arms around the bigger guy and buried his face in his bare chest. Toast slowly ran his hand up Ghost's shirt to tenderly rub his back, kissing the top of his head and resting his face in his hair.

     Ghost moved his leg to wrap it around Toast, feeling as though they weren't close enough. To Ghost's surprise, however, Toast took this as an opportunity to roll the two over, now towering over the other. Red flushed over Ghost's face a bit as he looked up at his counterpart who was looking him over.

Eventually, their eyes met, a smile growing over Toast's face as he leaned down and kissed Ghost gently, his hand trailing from his waist up his body, before resting on his cheek. Ghost smiled into the kiss, closing his eyes and wrapping his legs around the bigger guy's waist, and his arms around his neck. Toast pressed his whole body into the kiss more. He then moved his hand to Ghost's jaw, guiding his head to the side, which he received no protest about, and he moved his kisses to the side of his face and down his neck.

The brunette squeezed his eyes shut a bit tighter, biting his lip a little as he felt the warm movements. Toast's hand began to glide back down Ghost's body again, going down his chest and stomach and resting on his hip. A shiver went through Ghost. He lifted his hand, resting it in his partner's black hair, tangling his fingers in it.

Ghost felt the grip on his hip tighten, followed by slow movements of the other against him. He tried to move with him, only for Toast to grasp him harder, holding him in place. Ghost let out a bit of a shaky breath. Feeling Toast's smile grow against his neck, he could see the smug look on his face now.

"Don't fucking smile like that." Ghost said, his voice coming out a tired growl as he hit Toast's back lightly. He was practically grasping for his dignity at this point.

     Any sense of control and pride he had went right out the door, however, and Toast's kisses began to mix with little love bites along his neck and shoulder. He leaned his head back, covering his mouth with one hand. His mind started to really fog, Toast's movements now pressing harder against his lower body.

     Another alarm sound went off, snapping Ghost back into reality with a little jump. Before he could even process what had happened, Toast's warmth left him, the Brit now standing by their shared dresser, shuffling through the drawers. Heat rose into Ghost's face again.

     "We have a case in about," Toast beamed, glanced at his phone, "Two and a half hours. So, since I know you're awake and all, I would like to try to leave in an hour and a half max so we are there on time." He found the shirt he wanted and slid it on.

     Ghost groaned, rolling onto his stomach. Partially for dramatic effect, but mostly to cover how much of a mess Toast had made him so easily. He didn't want him to have that satisfaction.

     Toast looked back at him on the bed, another smile creeping onto his face. He gave Ghost one last peck on his cheek, which Ghost responded to by covering his head with a pillow.

    He walked to the doorway, "You'll be up soon, yeah?" Again, no verbal response. But Ghost did flip him off. With that, Toast left the room to begin his lengthy morning routine.

     The smaller man stayed lying for a second, disheveled and flustered. He took a few deep breaths, moved the pillow, and looked to the side. Clover had now woken up, her head resting on the bed looking at him. Her tail was wagging. She was ready for breakfast.

He sighed, getting up and heading to the kitchen, the dog following him excitedly, knocking herself into his legs occasionally.

     A warm cup of coffee was already set on the table waiting for him. Toast was also in the kitchen, brewing himself up some tea. He was as chipper as always.

     "Good morning, sir. I'm glad to see you've gotten up on time." He was still beaming when he spoke.

     "Fuck you." Ghost responded, heading to the dog bowl on the ground.

     Toast nodded slightly in response, the same smug look as Ghost had imagined before pasted onto his face "Now, that does seem to be the problem this fine day, doesn't it?"

In response, Ghost rolled his eyes, giving his partner a monotone 'ha ha'. He filled the dog's bowl before going and sitting at the table to drink his coffee. Toast began giving him the rundown of this morning's case, which he reluctantly listened to.

He wanted to stay pissy, he really did, but the more the other spoke the harder it was to hold his grudge. All he could think was 'I am so in love with this asshole'.

Ghost x Toast One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now