Stake Out

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I am not proofreading this because I have to leave for work in 15 minutes. At this point just assume nothing I write will be proofread. It took me almost SIX FUCKING HOURS to write this because I didn't want to write any of the scenes besides the fluff parts. But sometimes you have to persevere for the greater good.

     "Alright, this is the place." Johnny Toast said as he pulled the P.I.E. van to a bushed area. Do the van's left was a run-down house. The doors and windows were boarded and No Trespassing signs were strewed about the wired fence surrounding the structure. Overgrown vines climbed up the gray concrete and brick walls, creeping their way into any cracks and crevices they had offered to them.

     "We aren't sure if this is necessarily a case, it could just be teenagers or squatters going in and out of the building, but we have been receiving reports of possible paranormal sightings." Toast explained to the three other men in the car with him. Though, this was a refresher needed for some more than others.

     "Are we supposed to, like... go in there?" The ginger, Spooker, said. He darted his glance back and forth at the rather intimidating building. 

     "Eventually, yes." Ghost responded, "But tonight we are just observing it. We will be watching for any weird noises, smells, or figures. We will also need to set up some trackers to monitor any readings that can't be perceived with human senses. Energies, and things of that sort."

     Spooker and Colon, the unofficial members of P.I.E. had been around for a while and SHOULD know the protocol for investigations like this by now, but because they were so inattentive, or stupid, he hadn't figured out which it was, Ghost knew he had to explain the process before every case to prevent as many fuck-ups as possible. 

     "We are going to split into groups of two so we can make sure multiple angles are accounted for."

     "I call going with Spooker!" Colon chimed in.



     "No." Ghost repeated, "I am not leaving you two alone with this equipment again. You caught it on fire last time, which I don't know how you managed that because they don't produce any heat. Like at all. You're going with Johnny, Spooker will come with me."

     Spooker frowned, he had a complaint with this set up but there's no chance he'd have the guts to say anything about it. The group exited the van and headed to the back and unloaded the necessary equipment, before splitting into their previously decided groups. Ghost and Spooker took the back of the building, while Toast and Colon got the front. 

     Upon approaching the fence, Ghost kneeled at the base of it. He opened his bag, retrieving a small pair of wire cutters. He started cutting some of the fence to make a way in.

     "Ghost, there're signs everywhere. I don't think this is legal..."



     "Shut up."

     He cut until it was loose enough to pull a decent amount of the fence back. He stood up, holding the fence open, and gesturing for Spooker to crawl through. He did, struggling to hold the equipment while doing so. Ghost followed not far behind him.

     The air was cold yet humid. Their feet stuck to the muddy ground from the rain they had earlier. Ghost clenched his fist, holding the tips of his fingers in his palm to try to keep them warm. His fingerless gloves were cool, sure, but they weren't practical in these temperatures. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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