Chapter 39: Teasing Banter

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As Averyn's consciousness slowly returned, she found herself enveloped in darkness, the air thick with the scent of dampness and fear. Panic surged within her chest as she realized she was no longer in the ballroom but in an unfamiliar place. Disoriented and groggy, she struggled to piece together the events that had led her here.

A sudden jolt of pain shot through her body, causing her to gasp and instinctively curl into herself. With each passing moment, her senses sharpened, and she became acutely aware of the throbbing ache in her head and the dull, pulsating pain coursing through her limbs.

Then, amidst the haze of confusion and fear, a voice pierced through the darkness, its tone a curious mix of concern and admiration. "Ha...this is troublesome. Quite the fighter aren't you, lady?" the voice remarked, breaking through the silence like a beacon of hope.

As the words registered in her mind, Averyn struggled to focus, her eyes fluttering open to meet the gaze of her unexpected savior. Relief washed over her as she recognized the face of the man who had come to her aid, his features etched with a blend of weariness and determination.

In that moment, Averyn felt a surge of gratitude towards this stranger who had risked his own safety to rescue her. With a silent prayer of thanks, she allowed herself to be cradled in his arms, finding solace in the warmth and reassurance of his presence as they navigated the shadows together.

As Averyn's eyelids fluttered open, she found herself enveloped in a soft haze of warmth and comfort. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, she took in her surroundings with a sense of disorientation. The room was unfamiliar, bathed in the soft glow of early morning light filtering in through the curtains.

Slowly pushing herself into a sitting position, Averyn's gaze swept over the room, taking in the elegant furnishings and muted colors that adorned the space. It was then that the memories of the previous night came flooding back to her—the ball, the sudden attack, and the mysterious rescuer who had come to her aid.

"That's how it is," Calliax concluded, his tone somewhat curt as he finished his explanation to Averyn.

As she listened, every fragment of the previous night's memories started to come together in her mind, forming a coherent picture of what had transpired.

"But... truly. How did you find yourself in that predicament?" Calliax inquired, his curiosity evident in his tone.

"I was about to head to the bathroom when I stumbled upon Zayden, knocked out and being dragged away by the assailant," she recounted, her voice tinged with concern.

"But wait, weren't you the one who ordered them for an urgent duty call?" she questioned, furrowing her brows in confusion.

"Them? Order?" Calliax echoed, his expression shifting to one of confusion.

Averyn's brows furrowed in confusion, mirroring Calliax's puzzled expression. "Wait, you didn't know? Rowan had told me that you requested their presence for an urgent duty call, so Zayden and Marcus would go their way," she explained, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Calliax maintained his composure, his voice steady as he replied, "I didn't request an urgent call from them."

"You didn't?" she replied, her tone laced with surprise.

"Are you telling me that those formidable soldiers were easily knocked out and dragged away by the enemies?" Calliax questioned, his tone tinged with disbelief.

Upon hearing this, she was left in disbelief, her mind racing with questions and uncertainty.

Averyn's mind raced with disbelief and confusion. "How could this happen? Zayden and Marcus are trained soldiers, they shouldn't have been so easily overpowered. Something doesn't add up here," she thought to herself, her brows furrowing with concern.

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