Chapter 3: The Spark

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The smell of fresh coffee beans being roasted and crushed into powder before getting into the machines and processing a nice brewed coffee fills the whole cafe. 

The machine is filled with water, which is heated to the proper temperature. Ground coffee is placed in a filter basket and inserted into the machine. Hot water is forced through the coffee grounds under high pressure, creating a concentrated shot of espresso. The espresso is dispensed into a cup, and a layer of crema (a creamy foam) forms on top. In a drip coffee maker, hot water is poured over ground coffee in a filter and allowed to steep before it drips into a carafe. In a French press, ground coffee is steeped in water and then separated from the liquid using a mesh plunger. Regardless of the type of machine, the brewing process can be adjusted to achieve different flavours and strengths by adjusting the temperature, pressure, and steeping time. Commercial coffee machines are designed for heavy use and typically have features like automatic cleaning and maintenance systems, adjustable grind settings, and large water reservoirs to make brewing coffee as simple and convenient as possible.

A skilled barista can make brewing coffee seem effortless. Although Averyn was not a prodigy when it came to brewing coffee, her skills improved over time through experience. Now, she is known for making the best coffee in the cafe, with customers specifically requesting that she make their coffee. Her part-time job has helped her gain a wealth of knowledge about coffee, which will be useful in the future. She will be able to enjoy a nicely brewed coffee on her own in the future.

Every Saturday and Sunday, Averyn's shift starts from the morning until evening. Since she is still a college student in her final year, she also attends classes from time to time. She will complete her degree in two more months after the final exams are over, and then she will graduate from the university. 

Zayden and Averyn are both enrolled in university, but their paths could not be more different. Zayden is attending a military university that provides direct training for soldiers, and he is set to graduate five months ahead of Averyn. Averyn, on the other hand, is excelling in her studies and is one of the top students at her university. She is pursuing a major in chemistry, her true passion, and dreams of becoming a renowned scientist. Although she has never given much thought to her career ambition, one thing is certain: she loves chemistry more than anything else.

Averyn is a dedicated student who values education above all else. She spends all her free time studying, even during her part-time job breaks. She is currently focused on her final exams and is determined to do well. After graduation, she plans to pursue a career as a science teacher or chemistry lecturer. Alternatively, she could become a forensic officer if she wishes.

Despite her academic successes, Averyn has not always found acceptance among her peers. She is often excluded from social circles, but this does not bother her. She believes that time should not be wasted unless it is used for studying, and she is content to prioritize her education over socializing.

After a few days had passed, she still felt very disturbed about the incident that had occurred in the café. It was a few days earlier when the café was swarmed with customers, and she and her coworkers were doing their best to attend to everyone's needs. One day, Calliax and some other soldiers came to the café and placed their order as usual. She took their order and was about to deliver it to their table when she tripped and spilt a drink on Calliax. He was annoyed by her clumsiness, but he didn't scold her in front of the other customers. Instead, he gave her a sharp and disapproving glare while she profusely apologized.

However, since that day, he would repeatedly insult her for the mistake she made, calling her careless and even worse, dumb. The insults were very hurtful and humiliating to her since it was only a small mistake, and he seemed to take it very seriously. What made it even worse was that he only did it when no one was looking, as if he was deliberately targeting her. The constant insults and humiliation had affected her so much that she felt very uneasy and disturbed for a few days.

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