"Sirius Black is on the loose"

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Yesterday was the day when both Ivana and Harry turns 13. They had never received even a single birthday card on their birthday but this year both get awesome gifts from their own friends.
They went down to breakfast the next morning to find the three Dursleys already sitting around the kitchen table. They were watching a brand-new television, a welcome-home-for-the-summer present for Dudley, who had been complaining loudly about the long walk between the fridge and the television in the living room.
They sat down on the table beside eachother and served themselves a toast and some tea.
Everyone was silently eating their food while Ivana was busy planning to sneak out of the house.
"... The public is warned that Black is armed and extremely dangerous." Her head snapped at the direction of the TV. How the hell did the muggles know about Black? She already know the news as Mrs.Alderflair has told her before in a letter. She didn't tell Harry about this though. She was worried that if Harry find out who and what Black did then he will not hesitant to go after him. As much as she wants to kill Black herself, she was smart enough to know that he is dangerous. But she can't say same for Harry who she know have a tendency to fall in danger.
"..........and any sighting of Black should be
reported immediately." the reporter continue.
"No need to tell us he's no good," snorted Uncle Vernon, staring over the top of his newspaper at the prisoner. "Look at the state of him, thefilthy layabout! Look at his hair!"He exclaimed.
"The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries will announce today --"The reporter started to speak again.
"Hang on!" barked Uncle Vernon, staring furiously at the reporter. "You didn't tell us where that maniac's escaped from! What use is that?Lunatic could be coming up the street right now!"
Ivana snorted under her breath. She wonder how will he react when he will find out that he escaped from wizarding prison.
Uncle Vernon drained his teacup, glanced at his watch, and added, "I'd better be off in a minute, Petunia. Marge's train gets in at ten."
At this, the twins head snapped at his direction.
"Aunt Marge?" Harry blurted out. "Sh -- she's not coming here, is she?"
They both hated, hell despised her. She always had a way turn a good day into one of the horrible day.
"Marge'll be here for a week," Uncle Vernon snarled. The twins both look at eachother with wide eyes
"and while we're on the subject" he continue while pointing a fat finger threateningly at Harry and Ivana. "we need to get a few things straight before I go and collect her."
Dudley smirked and withdrew his gaze from the television. Watching Harry and Ivana being bullied by Uncle Vernon was Dudley's favorite form of entertainment.
"And these few things are??" Ivana asked with a role of her eyes while leaning back in her chair.
"Firstly," growled Uncle Vernon, "you'll keep a civil tongue in your head when you're talking to Marge." He glared at the direction of Ivana.
"Only if she does." She stated.
"Secondly," said Uncle Vernon, acting as though he had not heard Her reply,
"as Marge doesn't know anything about your abnormality, I don't want any -- any funny stuff while she's here.You behave yourself, got me?"
"We will if she does." Said Harry with gritted teeth.
"And thirdly," said Uncle Vernon, his mean little eyes now slits in his great purple face, "we've told Marge you attend St. Brutus's Secure Center for Incurably Criminal Students."
"What?!" "Are you for Real?!" Both shouted together.
"And you'll be sticking to that story, boy, or there'll be trouble." spat Uncle Vernon before turning his attention to Putina.
"Well, Petunia," said Uncle Vernon, getting heavily to his feet, "I'll be off to the station, then. Want to come along for the ride, Dudders?"
"Duddy's got to make himself smart for his auntie," said Aunt Petunia,smoothing Dudley's thick blond hair. "Mummy's bought him a lovely new bow tie."
Uncle Vernon clapped Dudley on his porky shoulder. "See you in a bit then." he said, and he left the kitchen.
Suddenly Ivana and Harry who were sitting there in a kind of horrified trance, together get a Idea. They both look at eachother and then sprint out of the room behind Vernon.
"I'm not taking you," he snarled as he turned to see them watching him.
" "Like I wanted to come," said Ivana said bitterly. Harry elbowed her in the stomach.
"We want to ask you something." Said Harry.
Uncle Vernon eyed them suspiciously.
"Third years at Hog -- at my school are allowed to visit the village sometimes." Harry Continue.
"We need you to sign the permission form," said Harry in a rush.
"And why should I do that?" sneered Uncle Vernon.
"Well," said Ivana, a smirk on her face."it'll be hard work,pretending to Aunt Marge that we go to that St. Whatsits --"
"St. Brutus's Secure Center for Incurably Criminal Students!" bellowed Uncle Vernon, and they were pleased to hear a definite note of panic in Uncle Vernon's voice.
"Exactly," said Ivana, looking calmly up into Uncle Vernon's large,purple face. "It's a lot to remember. We'll have to make it sound
convincing, won't we? What if I accidentally let something slip?"
"You'll get the stuffing knocked out of you, won't you?" roared Uncle Vernon, advancing on Ivana with his fist raised. But she stood her ground.
"Knocking the stuffing out of us won't make Aunt Marge forget what we could tell her," Harry said grimly.
Uncle Vernon stopped, his fist still raised, his face an ugly puce.
"But if you sign our permission forms" Harry went on quickly, "I swear we'll remember where we are supposed to go to school, and I'll act like a Mug -- like I'm normal and everything."
Vernon paused for a moment.
"Right," he snapped finally. "I shall monitor your behavior carefully during Marge's visit. If, at the end of it, you've toed the line and
kept to the story, I'll sign your ruddy form." With that he stormed out of house.
"Girl! Come here and help me in the kitchen." Aunt Petunia shouted.
"Coming!" Ivana shouted back. Before talking to Harry. "You better hide all the 'freaky' stuff if we are going to be normal." Harry nodded and smile at her before going upstairs. Ivana walks in the kitchen.
"Clean the dishes and make tea." Aunt Petunia orderd before walking out.
Ivana rolled her eyes and sigh. When she was finished making the tea, she hears the sound of car being park in driveway. "And here comes the biggest bitch." She mutters under her breath.
She hears her aunt shouted at her brother telling to open the door. She heard Marge greeting Dudley and Petunia. She decided to stay in the kitchen, avoiding her the best she could. But her plan didn't last long when they all enter the living room and Petunia order her to bring the tea. Harry also slipped in the room and takes a seat next to Dudley. She silently pours the tea and left before Marge can say anything which will get on her nerves. She felt guilty for leaving Harry there alone but she can't help. Marge always love to pick on her more than Harry. And she always ended up saying something which she was forced to regret later. She wasn't afraid of her but she was avoiding her because she really want to visit Hogsmead and that can't happen with the sign of Uncle Vernon. She slips inside her room and take out her DADA book that she had issued from Library. She really wanted to know more about different spells to defend herself especially when Black is on loose. Mrs.Alderflair told her that there is a rumor that he break out just to kill them and take revenge for his master. The dark lord or for her Voldemort. She wasn't afraid of him but she want to be ready for the time when he come. She wants to kill him and take revenge for her parent's death. She knew about it. Professor McGonagall told her after she kept asking and begging her in different ways about happened to her father's friends. She was shocked at the news that the friend who her father trusted with his whole heart can betray him.
Thats why she decided that before she will kill him, she will asked him that why he betrayed his friends who were there for him throughout his life. She was still unable to understand that how can someone be this cruel.


To be continued...<3

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