4 Hidden Devotion

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Evelyn's POV

As Ariella was pushed onto the stage, her heart pounded with fear and uncertainty. She scanned the room, desperately searching for any sign of hope or salvation. And then, her eyes locked onto a figure lurking in the shadows-a figure whose presence seemed to fill the room with an electric energy.

For Queen Evelyn, time seemed to stand still as she watched Ariella's entrance. In that moment, everything else faded away, and all she could see was the vulnerable human girl standing before her. The word "mate" echoed in her mind, igniting a primal instinct deep within her soul.

A surge of protectiveness washed over Queen Evelyn as she gazed upon Ariella's bruised and battered form. Her heart clenched with a mixture of longing and despair, as if an invisible thread connected her to the fragile human girl. It was as though centuries of loneliness and longing had finally found their purpose in this moment, in the form of Ariella.

Torn between duty and desire, Queen Evelyn felt a tumultuous storm raging within her. The weight of tradition and expectation pressed down on her shoulders, threatening to suffocate the deep well of emotion that surged within her chest. Yet, despite the risk of scandal and ruin, she couldn't ignore the magnetic pull she felt towards Ariella, the undeniable bond that transcended reason and logic.

In that fleeting moment, Queen Evelyn's world shifted on its axis. The rules and constraints that had governed her existence for centuries crumbled away, leaving behind only the raw, unbridled emotion that pulsed through her veins. She knew, with a certainty that bordered on divine revelation, that Ariella was meant to be hers, that their destinies were intertwined in ways she couldn't begin to comprehend.

As Queen Evelyn's gaze lingered on Ariella's trembling form, a wave of empathy washed over her. The sight of Ariella, bruised and battered, filled her with a visceral ache, as if each mark of pain etched upon the girl's skin was a wound upon her own soul.

Ariella's fear was palpable, radiating from her in waves that seemed to suffuse the very air around them. It struck a chord deep within Queen Evelyn, stirring memories of her own moments of vulnerability and uncertainty, long buried beneath the facade of regal composure.

In that moment, Queen Evelyn felt a surge of protectiveness welling up within her, a fierce determination to shield Ariella from any further harm. The bruises that marred Ariella's delicate skin were a testament to the cruelty and injustice of their world, a stark reminder of the suffering endured by those deemed lesser in the eyes of society.

With a clenched jaw and trembling hands, Queen Evelyn fought to contain the roiling emotions churning within her. Anger, sorrow, and compassion warred for dominance within her heart, each vying for her attention as she struggled to maintain her composure in the face of Ariella's pain.

But amidst the tumult of her emotions, one thing remained clear: Ariella needed her help, her protection, now more than ever.

As Queen Evelyn observed Ariella's pain and fear, she felt a deep sense of conflict churning within her. Despite her overwhelming urge to rush to Ariella's side and offer comfort, she knew that such a display of emotion would be perceived as weakness by her courtiers.

In the cutthroat world of vampire politics, any sign of vulnerability was seen as a liability, a weakness to be exploited by rivals and enemies alike. If Queen Evelyn were to show favoritism towards a mere human, it would not only undermine her authority but also jeopardize her reign.

Ariella's presence threatened to unravel the carefully constructed facade of power and control that Queen Evelyn had spent centuries cultivating. Her people would see Ariella as her weakness, a chink in her armor that could be exploited to undermine her rule.

And yet, despite the risks, Queen Evelyn couldn't ignore the fierce protectiveness that burned within her. She knew that she had to tread carefully, to conceal her emotions behind a mask of regal composure, lest she be perceived as weak and vulnerable.

As the realization struck Queen Evelyn like a bolt of lightning that her mate was just sold to her ruthless, merciless cousin, her heart plummeted into the depths of despair. The mere thought of Ariella being sold into the clutches of that man sent a surge of dread coursing through her veins.

With a primal instinct driving her actions, Queen Evelyn threw caution to the wind and cast aside the veil of secrecy that had shrouded her identity. In a moment of sheer desperation, she cried out, her voice cutting through the chaos of the auction with a commanding authority that left no room for dissent.


The single word reverberated through the room, its power echoing off the walls and piercing through the clamor of the crowd. Every eye turned towards Queen Evelyn, their expressions a mix of shock and confusion at her sudden intervention.

With a steely resolve, Queen Evelyn stepped forward, her gaze sweeping over the assembled throng with unwavering determination. She met the startled gaze of Ariella, feeling a spark of longing flicker within her, before she turned her attention to the auctioneer and her cousin.

"This auction is over," she declared, her voice ringing out with unwavering authority.

As Queen Evelyn addressed the crowd and issued her orders, Ariella stood by silently, her heart heavy with confusion and apprehension.

As Ariella watched the events unfold, a flicker of hope ignited within her. Perhaps, she dared to believe, the queen had intervened to grant her freedom, to spare her from the cruel fate that awaited her at the hands of her cousin, but instead, was met with cold indifference and disdain.

Without a word, Queen Evelyn turned away from Ariella, her expression an impassive mask that betrayed no hint of emotion. With a flick of her hand, she signaled to her guards, who moved forward to escort Ariella from the auction hall.

"Take her," Queen Evelyn commanded, her voice devoid of warmth as she regarded Ariella with a steely gaze. "But make sure she arrives at the palace unharmed. I won't tolerate any further damage to my property."

Ariella flinched at the callousness of the queen's words, her heart sinking with each passing moment. She had hoped for salvation from her plight, but it seemed that her fate was only growing darker with each passing moment.

Meanwhile, Queen Evelyn's cousin, emboldened by her seeming indifference, stepped forward to protest her decision. "But Your Majesty," he began, his voice laced with indignation, "I rightfully bought her. It's not fair-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Queen Evelyn silenced him with a single, dangerous glare. The weight of her gaze bore down upon him like a heavy chain, quashing any further protests before they could leave his lips.

With a sense of unease settling in the pit of his stomach, the cousin fell silent, his defiance crumbling beneath the weight of the queen's authority. And as they departed the auction hall, Ariella couldn't shake the feeling that her journey was only just beginning, and that the challenges ahead would be greater than she could ever have imagined.

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