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Rachel's POV:

I'm officially 8 weeks pregnant and I'm getting used to it all now. I have to admit the morning sickness is a pain my ass and has been getting me up at 4 am every morning, Niamh has been a life saver and has been up with me holding my hair back as I throw up my dinner and anything else that remains. She has been helping me to relax back down after too, rubbing my back and providing me with hot water bottles.

Today is the day we are going for the 8 weeks scan to see our baby girl, I'm super excited to see her and se how she is developing. Niamh has gained a tendency to wrap her arms around my stomach and hold me as she kind of talks to her. I did ask her why she talked to the baby if she couldn't hear me but she said she wanted the baby to know who her mama is. It makes my heart swell as the idea and I have to admit it has made me talk to my belly a few times.

Right now we are on our way to the doctors and Niamh is driving extremely carefully I mean she was never a particularly careful driver but ever since I was pregnant she has been so careful and slow on the road we have nearly been late to a few meetings which when I explained why made everyone laugh but it has been getting a little annoying recently because I for one hate being late.

As soon as we park in the car park, we get out and walk with a quick pace because we of course are running a little late due to the slow driving. Thankfully just as we enter we see our doctor looking for us so we wave at him as Niamh signs me in, I walk over to him as Niamh joins me a couple seconds later. Following him into the room he gestures for me to lay on the bed whilst he out son a pair of gloves.

"His you could roll your shirt up to just under your breasts and unbolt on your jeans for me." I nod my head as I do as he asks, although Niamh decided to unbutton my jeans for me making me and the doctor laugh a little.

"So how have you been?" He asks as he moves a machine over to the bed as well as take a bottle of something.

"Okay thanks, a lot of morning sickness but that's it." He nods his head as he writes it down in the notes.

"Okay, I'm going to put this gel on your stomach, it will feel a little cold but that's it then I will give you an ultrasound." He explains before doing as he said.

I did jump a little at how cold the gel was but soon adjusted to it as both me and Niamh looked over to the screen smiling as we saw the small baby in my belly. The doctor moved around a little as he took some notes, I don't think there is anything wrong, I hope not at least.

"Okay, the baby is all good, there is nothing for you guys to worry about." We sigh in relief before he wipes off the gel and allows me to button up my jeans before telling us we can leave. He does hand us a couple of booklets and leaflets telling me what to expect, I know that having a baby via the clinic can lead to a few more symptoms but that is it.

Time skip~

I feel bloated and fat. This is awful, I can't see under my belly and it's only one baby I don't understand how I can be this big. I'm currently 28 weeks pregnant and I feel like a bowling ball, I asked the doctor why my belly was so large, and he said that the baby was actually rather small but just I had a big belly making me want to cry. It's not as though I have a big belly because my baby is big, but because it just felt like being being. Niamh has treated me so well, by buying me all the random cravings and giving me back massages as well as helping rub oils over my belly to try and avoid stretch marks which I have managed to avoid so far.

I am super excited for the baby to come I mean she is a little on the small side but is doing really well, the morning sickness is nearly gone and only occurs when I eat something like seafood which I have made a strong plan on avoiding forever. I need to pee all the time but that's okay but as least I don't get kicked in the ribs too much.

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