Chapter 13

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1 JOHN 1:9 KJV "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

Savannah fasted and prayed extensively over the next few weeks. She prayed against generational curses, incubus and succubus sexual demons, renewed mind, the forgiveness of all the past hurts experienced by her abusers, any hidden anger, resentment towards her mother, and father, her own negative words, and requesting a new direction from God. She appreciated the support from Alisha and Matthew but she needed to speak with God one on one and deal with herself. Savannah felt renewed and even walked away from her job to pursue her passion in photography, and art. Matthew was amazed by her every day and saw the new hope and the gifts and talents that she was now ready to use and share. 

Savannah transformed that Sunday when she attended a revival surface with Alisha. She was inconsolable after singing, worshiping, and praising God. Savannah wept and years of brokenness, rejection, hurt, depression, and sadness were broken off her life. when she returned home she had a heart-to-heart conversation with God and prayed like she never prayed before. 

Dear God,

it's me again your servant Savannah. I feel unworthy to even come in your presence. However, I am reminded that you love me from my mother's womb and created me with a purpose. Take away every hurt, disappointment, and regret I have experienced as a child. I desperately need you more than anything in this life. 

I have done everything to mask the hurt and pain for far too long. The sex, the alcohol, and the walls I built have not fulfilled me. But now the peace that the world cannot give me that can only come from you now presides in my heart. what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his one soul? God my soul is important. I want the greater you had assigned to my life in heavenly places. 

Everything that has been stolen, buried, confiscated, killed by the enemy I want it restored. Order my steps, the mind stops and thinking. For your plans are to bring good and not evil in my life. I forgive my adoptive parents, I forgive every man I have fornicated with, I forgive myself and know now I deserve better and want better for my life. 

Let the spirit of the Lord arise in me and let me focus on what you have called me to be and become. My life is in your hands and I choose to be a new version of me. I accept you as Lord and Savior of my life and now commit myself to you. 

Savannah spent days, praying, fasting, and repenting. She was ready to leave her past behind and look forward to her future. She surprised herself when she decided to go to her adoptive parents. She needed closure and invited Matthew to accompany her. She felt the Holy Spirit encouraging her to close all open doors that the enemy used to destroy her life. 

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