Chapter 6

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As I woke up, it was obvious that all things were blindingly brighter. My drunk and unforgiving eyes were taking in more than they can react to. I was in a conscious daze and in a game of tug-a-war with my inner demon. It craved another soul that was unreachable. My body was not on the same accord as my mind. The alcohol deemed me handicap and left me for dead in my own anatomy.

Angeline was standing by my side, nudging my shoulder over and over to inform me about the diner's closure.

"Hey princess! It's time to go back to your palace," she said jokingly, "Hun, come on and tell me where you live so I can help you out. Don't worry about the bill. It's on the house."

With her dainty, but hearty gesture, she aided me to my feet. We both clumsily made our voyage outside the venue to the parking lot where her car stood lonely on its four wheels. An older model red Ford Explorer is what she possessed. The clearcoat was well eroded as the red paint was following suit. It was rugged at first sight, however the inside harbored her personality. Mismatched rhinestones covered the steering wheel, the gear selector, and the bezel around the radio. Angeline struggled to guide me over to the passenger side as I hobbled and tripped aimlessly. As the car door opened, I entered with my back first and flopped onto the chair abruptly. I could feel the pool of whisky and acid sloshing inside of my stomach just to rest again.

The smell of artificial strawberries coming from the car's air freshener and two-day old fast food, persuaded a light gag reflex. My mouth salivated at an alarming rate as the car's motor woke up from its slumber to a rumble. My eyelids started to attract each other and repel until they were sealed. The whisky flowing through my body was having a parasitic effect on me.

In and out of a brief coma I went. Mere rubbish and unfinished rambling I did. Random mannerisms deployed with empty meanings married to them. A monologue of how people, in this world, need to be nicer and more pleasant to one another, ran rampant.

"Hun, where are you staying at?" Angeline tried while facing me from the driver seat. "Hey! Stay with me soldier!" 

After a couple nudges on the cheek, I inserted my hand into my pocket and pulled out my room key that had the number 4 written on it. It was all that she needed to positively locate where I resided. Like coming from a college party, we bumped, swayed, and nearly tumbled down the flight of stairs as Angeline struggled to herd me to my room. I was on my last thread of life until I was able to reverse-plunge onto the bed. On my back, I laid as dead weight. I was as useless as matchsticks in the rain. The feeling of being frozen was not too far-fetched as my body was unable to move. There were no limbs of use as my energy was spent on this trek.

"You really put me to work tonight and we didn't even have sex! You're lucky you're handsome. Maybe we should both chill out for a while," she said as she was breathing out forcefully.

I laid in silence while facing my savior. I did not know her and she did not know me. She sat and made herself comfortable on the small recliner that was adjacent to the bed; delivering a heavy exhale as her body acclimated to the motel room's recycled air conditioning. I slipped into slumber and came to life, just to go back to my trance. A toiletry bag appeared on Angeline's lap and a smirk appeared on her face. It was the type of faint smile that you will conjure when self-satisfaction is on the horizon.   

The unzipping of the bag exposed several contents that made my guardian angel moisten her lips. The shuffling of plastics and glass clinked and clanked inside of the bag. She took out a small make-up mirror, a tiny glass vial, a miniature glass pipe, and a lighter. It was almost like watching a routine unfold. She opened the mirror and dusted white powder on its surface from the glass vial. The length of her pinky finger corralled the substance into two uniformed lines. The lines simulated a straight railway for a train to navigate on. Like sleight of a hand, a rolled up dollar bill appeared and was held at the entrance of her right nostril. She was really getting her money's worth with her tips. Her feigned-laced facial reaction guided her snout to vacuum up one rail of dust. After her head picked itself up, the new overwhelming sensation settled in. Once the high subsided, she dove back down like a falcon going after its prey. Angeline laid back and sunk into the chair she sat on. Her eyes remained open as her daze became prominent. The high grabbed her and they traveled hundreds of miles with nobody in the cockpit. Unmanned and without direction she remained.

My eyes could no longer be exposed to the light. For the last time, my eyelids found each other and sealed themselves as if it were a newly paved road. Lifeless and useless was how I was arranged on the bed. Angeline's drowsiness was setting in with her head bobbing and beginning to nod off. The five senses for the both of us were misaligned and thrown up in a whirlwind.


The morning arrived, waited patiently, and departed. The torch was transferred to the afternoon, who came, waited patiently, and just before it continued, I ascended. I woke up covered in agony. My head felt as if it collided with a cement wall. To my astonishment, Angeline made her way onto the bed last night while I was hibernating. Her arm was resting across my waist as she was peacefully dormant. As I stared, I was admiring her figure which was champagne flute-thin. Her waist was tapered and she had a tan complexion. Her arched eyebrows looked down on full sweeping eyelashes. Delicate ears captured and framed her button nose. It was such satisfaction to see her midnight-black hair as it flowed over her shoulder. Her enticing heart shaped lips secretly invited me in. Without controlling my urge, my lips met hers and the taste of something sweet excited me. Her waitress uniform was still intact, but barely. It was worn just enough to cover her womanly parts.

After the kiss, Angeline's eyes opened and focused on mine. There was no exchange of words or change of facial expressions. Only the sound of the air conditioner humming and the periodic passing of a car was heard. Our heads advanced nearer and nearer until we met at our unseen gates. Our tongues were released, introduced to one another, and began to stir in each other's mouth. Breathing became heavier and my neck grew warmer. Subtle and faint moans could be heard from Angeline. As minutes passed and our hand's curiosity intensified, I could feel myself wanting to pierce through my pants. A fresh burst of euphoria started to bloom. It was the same moment my thirst for another life became a necessity.

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