Fake Hopes

248 6 13

Angsty plot twist 😱
This takes place after Bryan's death
Nobody's POV
There they lay. Arms and legs intertwined like a tight knot. Slight snores came from both men, soft breaths feeling warm against each other's skin.

The men had slept through the night, feeling safe in each other's arms. It was rare that Inpu slept through a whole night, but now that Bryan was back his world was fixed.

Inpu's POV
I began to awaken, the sun had started to rise in the sky, harshly beating through the open curtains and into my eyes. It was almost relieving to wake up with him in my arms, his breathing being evident on my neck. I'm always worried his breathing is going to stop again.

Everything was better now that Bryan was back. Before, I would work my ass off instead of sleeping. I felt useless if I didn't work, but with him back it feels... different. I don't feel the need to over exert myself, I could finally sleep, in peace at least.

I sit up a bit, resting back on the metal headboard. I move Bryan up into my arms, his head resting on my chest. He squirmed a bit, his eyes fluttering softly, starting to open.

He sat up a bit, yawning heavily and stretching his arms behind his neck. I wrapped my arms around his waist, him returning the favor and putting his arms on my shoulders.

"Good morning my love" I say softly to him, he looks at me, his eyes soft with love and a slight tiredness. "Good morning hubby" he responds, a sweet smile forming on his face. I grab his chin and tilt his face, giving him a kiss that he quickly returns.

We both giggle, he wraps his arms around me tightly, pulling me into a hug that I quickly return.

"Ewwww" we suddenly hear from our bedroom door. We both look up to see our son, Atlas, standing at the door. He sticks his tongue out at us, how dramatic.

Bryan giggles at him. "Good morning to you as well Atlas". Bryan quickly stands up, adjusting his pajamas and making his way over to Atlas. I join quickly after him.

"Something you need kiddo?" I say as I get closer. "It's already 10 a.m. I'm hungry papa" he complained dramatically looking towards Bryan.

Bryan playfully rolls his eyes, ruffling Atlas's hair, making the split hair even messier than it already was.

"You're always hungry young man" Bryan said. Atlas rolled his eyes, less playfully than Bryan. "How does breakfast sandwiches sound?" Bryan asked. Atlas didn't respond, just giving Bryan a slight thumbs up, quickly turning and running down the hall after, I assume he's going to wake up his siblings.

"I guess that's a yes" Bryan said, suppressing a giggle in his throat. I return that comment with a small grin.

He turns on his heels and begins walking toward the closet, me following shortly after him. Him and I both get changed into our usual attire, his being a bit fancier than mine.

After we got finished changing we made our way toward the kitchen.

Once we enter the kitchen, Bryan walks to the stove, putting his white and pink apron with the words "kiss the chef" on.

He turns on the stove and grabs all of the interdicts he needs before quickly making breakfast for me and the kiddos, he's always been quick with his cooking.

He finishes making breakfast. He then takes his apron off and starting to set the table, and plate the food.

"Can you go get the kids honey?" He asked. "Of course" I respond, starting to make my way down the hallway and into the triplets room.

I knock on their door. A high pitched voice responds "come in!" I assumed it was Femi.

I open the door, the triplets all being dressed and ready for the day. Femi was on her bed reading a book that her auncle Magnus got her when they went to Egypt. Lotus was fidgeting with their messy, curled hair, seemingly zoned out, they've done that alot since they lost their wing. Atlas was laying on his bed, playing his Nintendo switch that Bryan and I got him last Christmas.

"Breakfast is ready" I tell them. This gets all of their attentions. They quickly quit what they are doing and race towards the kitchen, speeding past me.

I smile to myself, slowly walking back to the kitchen, Bryan and the kids already sitting down, seemingly waiting for me.

"Took you long enough" Atlas said with an over exaggerated sigh. "Yeah, yeah" I reply, obvious sass lacing my voice.

I take my seat next to Bryan, holding his hand under the table.

Everyone quickly finished their breakfast, the kids going back for seconds as they usually do. Once they were finished they placed their dishes in the sink and dashed off into the living room.

Bryan grabs mine and his plate off of the kitchen table, placing them in the sink and beginning to hand wash them.

"You do realize we have a dishwasher right?" I said, confused as to why he wasn't using it. "My hands are quicker", he replied, letting out a short laugh. I grabbed a sponge and began to help him.

We finished putting the dishes away after allowing them to dry. Bryan dried his hands off and walked over to me, grabbing me by the collar and pulling me into a kiss. "I love you Inpu" he said, a wide smile on his face" "I love you too" I replied with a sappy tone to my voice.

He pulled away from me and began to walk towards the living room, I follow closely behind him. He enters the living room, me quickly following. All three of the kids are in there, Lotus and Atlas competing in a round of Mario Cart and Femi watching them, an open book in hand.

Me and Bryan sit down on the couch, I put my hand on his thigh as he leans into me, putting his head on my shoulder.

We watch as Lotus and Atlas compete in their game, seemingly about to tie. Lotus ends up winning it at the end, standing up and jumping around excitedly. Atlas throws his arms up and sighs, obviously upset about losing. "Good game" Atlas says, accepting his loss. Lotus gives him a toothy grin.

Femi quickly joins us on the couch, putting her book down and climbing close to Bryan. Atlas and Lotus put their controllers down on the television stand. Lotus joins us on the couch. Atlas looking hesitant about joining. I open my arms, offering him to lay with us, he walks over, climbing close to me.

"I love you guys" I say quietly
"I love you too" they all respond

My eyes close slowly, my vision turning black.

I wake up on my desk, drool on my chin and my eyes heavy, probably having evident bags under them. I look into my hands. Bryan's afterlife story. He always wanted kids, so I made it all up for him, and wrote a book about it. I begin to cry, realizing I will never have that in my life. No Bryan, no kids, nothing.

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